The project examines broken home and its effects on academic performance secondary school students in Nigeria using Odeda local government area of Ogun state as a case study. The chapter one comprises of introduction, the chapter two based on review of related literature, and causes of broken home, while chapter three based on research methodology and method of data collection, chapter four emphasise on data analysis, tables, and the final chapter which is chapter five deals with the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the topic. The study specifically was aimed at determining the extent of the effect of socio-economic status of parents on students’ academic performance in some selected schools, the study looked at the academic status of the parent and find out whether it has any considerable influence on the student’s academic performance. It also considered to what extent status of parent (at homes) provides visual aids for meaningful education achievement. It also examined how the school and home community influence the academic performance of the child in the school. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 250 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that broken homes exert a lot of influence on the academic performance of secondary school students, ranging from poor motivation and parental attention, un-favourable home environment and emotional instability. Also, socio-economic status of the parents influence the child’s education to a very high extent. Also, the level of academic of parent affects the degree of the academic performance of the student to a very high extent. The study therefore recommend parents especially single and foster parents should adequately supervise children to boost their self-esteem. Also, government and voluntary organizations should identify children from broken homes and provide scholarship and other supporting programmes that could enhance their academic performance. Moreso, teachers and other stakeholders in the school system should avoid stereotyping children from broken homes since some of the problems faced by these children may be caused by expectations based on inaccurate and harmful stereotypes.
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