Before one delves into Rousseau’s child-centered education, it is important to give a summary of his educational thought. This is to enable us have a background of his philosophy. Rousseau’s educational ideas came to limelight in 1761 with the publication of Emile, seminal work on education. The book marked the beginning of a new revolution in education. Rousseau even declares: “My thoughts are not like those of others” (1975:15). The book caused a universal outburst of indignation; the Catholic Church condemned it and ordered for its copies to be publicly burnt and the arrest of its author. In Emile, Rousseau presents a tripartite discussion on education, namely: the natural or negative phase, the social or moral phase and the civic or political phase. In this study, we shall not be concerned with the social and political dimensions. This is because Rousseau believes very strongly that the natural phase takes preeminence over and above the rest: the natural phase therefore becomes the anchor upon which the social and political angles rest. This stands to mean that the social and political phases are mere products of the natural phase of education. It is in view of this that the researcher intends to evaluate J.J ROUSSEAU’s concept of education.
The main objective of the study is to evaluate J.J ROUSSEAU’s concept of education. To aid the completion of the study, the following sub-objective was put forward by the researcher’
To ascertain the impact of J.J ROUSSEAU’s concept of education on the child education
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