A UPS system is a DC to AC conversion system of 1KVA power rating and expected to carry around 800 watts load. It provides power to electronic and electrical appliances such as radio sets, TV DVD/VCD, computers, fans and lighting. The design was conceived and put down as block diagram. Corresponding circuit diagrams for each black box were sourced and drawn. The component values according to desired specifications were designed from the first principle and needed values derived. The transformer was also designed and with measurements and component values we went to the market. Most of the transistors were not in the market and order was made with the trader and they were later collected. These components were first wired on project board, tested before being removed and transferred to veroboard where they were soldered permanently and tested. The tests carried out were successfully including the capacity of the transformer and the transformer stability and hum-free operation. The circuit veroboard and transformer along with meters, switches, indicators and output sucket were all carefully packaged inside the system box and test carried out again. This financial test was also successful.
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1.1 Background of the Study
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