This research study is designed to contain the contributions and role of public enterprises on socio-economic development of Kaduna State. The main purpose of this research is to determine the role of public enterprises in the growth and success of the socio-economic development. In Kaduna State in particular, the great desire to industrialise arises partly because of the relative backwardness of the state, which depends for over 90% of her revenue from the federal government. Realizing how vulnerable the state is, as a result of dwindling revenue from the federation account accasioned by the 1980s world glut the economic recession that followed and the poor financial management of available resources, the leadership set out to reverse this trend. Realising the relationship between the establishment of manufacturing industries within the state and economic growth and development of the state, the government thus made the establishment of small and medium scale industries one of its cardinal objectives. To achieve this lofty objective, the Kaduna Investment and Pro-perties Limited and Kaduna Transport Corporation were established to serve as catalysts in this policy of the development process of the state. The evaluation was done by the establishment of three hypotheses set out to measure such variables as employment opportunities, development of infrastructure, rate of revenue generation and investments. The study is based on a field research carried out in the state capital: Kaduna metropolitan. Qustionaires and personal observation constituted the primary sources of primary data collection, official publications by the management, gazette, information brochure etc, constituted the sources for secondary data. Tables and percentages were used for data presentation and analysis. During the course of this work, it was discovered that the two companies selected as samples relied heavily on the State Government for the their investment capital and exhibit different characteristics in their mode of operations, control and services. We have recommended to the Government to grand autonomy to these companies to enable them function professionally, monitor the activities to ensure accountability check recklessness etc. Finally, further research is recommended to further expand the findings where necessary.
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