Performance appraisals allow the organization to tell the employee something about their rates of growth, their competencies, and their potentials. The absence of effective performance appraisal is a fundamental cause of low output of staff to work. This study outlines the benefits that can be derived from the use of the performance appraisal system if it is properly administered to workers on the working environment of Cadbury Nig, Plc. It was found out that performance appraisal influences performance positively. However, the researchers realized that performance appraisal is mostly undertaken on annual basis at the workplace. Again, it was also realized that Cadbury Nig, Plc uses rating scale, descriptive system and management by objective system methods of appraisal to evaluate employees. It was also realized that management by objective is the mostly used method. Hence, it showed that appraisal is conducted annually in the organization. Finally, we realized from the research that performance appraisal has got much influence on job performance of Cadbury Nig, Plc employees.
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Background of the study
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