Tourist destinations with better diverse attractions have become more important than individual attractions due to better highways over the past few years in China. Destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty are vital factors which are used to explain visitor motivation or their intention to revisit a tourist destination (Chi and Qu, 2008). Tourist satisfaction is a post consumption assessment of the service received and is entirely dependent on destination image. As the number of areas developed for tourism increase, the choice of destinations available to consumers’ drastically expands. The main aim of this research is to examine the impact of destination image on tourist attraction and destination loyalty. According to the interviews, a number of facts about destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty can be deduced. First, it is clearly evident that tourists who have visited Forbidden City before are satisfied with the attractions available there. Their satisfaction makes them plan to revisit, thus showing their loyalty towards it. This can be deduced from the interviewee’s responses on their responses of their description of destination image and their responses of how satisfied they were when they visited Forbidden City. Conclusion and recommendation were made.
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