The effect of teacher’s educational qualification and teaching method on student interest in business studies, the conventional, docile, passive and teacher centered approach is still been preferred also majority of the business studies teachers are said to be unqualified educationally to teach the subject as many only studied related courses in the higher institution while some does not obtain there B.sc in the faculty/ college of education.
Therefore, related literature which dealt with the teacher’s educational qualification affect students interest in business studies was also reviewed as a basis for this research study.
The study set three research questions and a self-constructed questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection; two hundred questionnaires were distributed among Ogun State Junior secondary school Students.
The data collected were thus analyzed using chi square to determine the effect of teachers educational qualification and teaching method on student interest in business studies. In findings of the study it was gathered that most students are interested in business studies as a result of teachers’ qualification. This can be said that the non- interest of students is caused by low qualifications of teachers, it also shows that students are interested is subjects but to be interested in business studies the qualifications of the teachers must be closely considered.
From the findings the study therefore recommends among others that; The school must organise innovative programme that will improve teachers’ pursuit for educational qualification and also help improve students interest, the interest of the students should be a function of the qualification of the teachers, hence the major goal of the government is to create opportunities for teachers that will help them to increase their knowledge and at the same time increase their educational qualification. Policy makers/curriculum planners should endeavour to make it compulsory that all teachers should pursue academic qualification seriously.
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