This study examined the influence of covid-19 and virtual learning on performance of secondary school students in Jega local government. It examined the influence of virtual learning on performance and investigated the extent to which Covid-19 and Virtual Learning influenced students’ academic performance. Simple random sampling was used in the study as Teachers and Student of selected secondary schools form the population of the study. 174 questionnaires was issued to the respondent, however 155 questionnaires was retrieved and validated for the study. Data was presented and analyzed using frequency and tables. Chi-Square was used to test if there’s any significant influence of covid-19 and Virtual Learning on the performance of students. Findings from the study revealed that virtual learning helped in closing the of gap learning during the pandemic crisis.virtual learning learning help students to have access to unlimited source of information; reveals connection between subjects, promotes critical thinking and encourages students’ way of learning. The study recommended therefore that Curriculum Planners and Educational Boards should ensure that they incorporate Virtual Learning Courses at all levels of education as this is the terrain of advanced countries and also Teachers should be trained on the use of Virtual Learning software and how to manage Virtual Learning environment in order to promote student academic performance.
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