The functions and effectiveness of the secretary in every business organization depends on the availability of office technologies as well as the skills and competencies of the secretary. Modern business organizations have come to appreciate the role and importance of the secretary as well as the need to providing the needed and necessary office machines and equipment for the efficacy of the secretarial functions. The study covered 80 randomly selected students in Osun state Polytechnic to examine their perceptions on the secretarial profession in the era of Information and Communication Technology, four research objectives guided the research.
The findings of the study revealed that there was some level of availability of modern office technological gadgets in Osun state polytechnic, their use by secretaries cause increase in productivity. Amongst others, it was recommended that organizations should procure as many modern office technological gadgets as are available in the market to ease the job of secretaries to enable them increase their productivity.
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Statement of the Problem
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