The presence and the use of the English language in Nigeria has been seen as a threat to theindigenous languages. The truth lies in the fact that Nigeria has adopted the language of hercolonial master and has given it priority over the indigenous languages that were in existencebefore her existence. This act can lead to loss of identity as language is not only a means ofcommunication but an aspect of a people’s identity. However, the awareness of this danger andthe proclamation of UNESCO that the Igbo language will go into extinct in fifty (50) years,beginning from 2001 if nothing is done to revive the language have made Nigerians in theDiaspora engage in the struggle of dethroning the English language and restoring the indigenouslanguages to what they used to be before the coming of the British.Therefore, this research isanchoredonkeyissuessuchaslanguageandidentitystruggle,thenationallanguagequestion,thestatusofEnglishinNigeria,thestatusandstruggleoftheindigenouslanguagesinNigeriaand the struggle for status recognition in the language of Nigerian literature, especially fictionalprose. It justifies through a rationalistic view that the English language will win in the struggle ifthingsremain thewaytheyare.
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