Huge amount of hydrocarbon in place is left unrecovered. Integrated reservoir management, inaddition to the use of new technologies improves hydrocarbon recovery. Intelligent completion isoneofthetechnologieswhichenhancereservoirmanagementtherebyimprovingthehydrocarbon recovery.
This work presents a review of intelligent completion technology, guidelines to evaluate thedecisionwhetherornottoimplementintelligentcompletionandevaluatesfieldcasesofintelligentcompletion installation.
Thecasestudieswerederivedfromfourfieldswhereintelligentcompletionshavebeenimplemented. Comparison of intelligentcompletion with non-intelligentcompletion was basedoneaseofdataacquisitionforreservoirmanagement,incrementaloilproductionandprofitability criteria. The yard sticks used for economic analysis include the net present value,discountedpayout period, profitabilityindexand growth rateof return.
Theresultsfromthestudyshowthatreliableintelligentcompletionimprovesreservoirmanagementbyenablingdataacquisitionandwellmonitoring.Employingintelligentwellcompletionsinreservoirmanagementcanleadto21%to38%increaseinoilrecoveryand17%to 41% increase in NPV compared to non-intelligent completion.It must be pointed out thatintelligentsystemfailuremayrenderintelligentcompletionprojectseconomicallyunattractive.
The results of this study can beused to evaluate the feasibility of executing anintelligentcompletion project; especially in fields were intelligent completion is yet to be implemented as atoolforreservoir management.
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