Construction materials are vital components of the total construction cost (about 60%) of the total project cost. Based on their importance, this study assessed management strategies adopted in construction sites in Uyo Municipal. The objectives were to examine the construction materials management strategies in practice on construction projects, determine the possible factors affecting choice of materials for construction project, and to assess the impact of compliance with standard materials management strategies on project success. Questionnaire survey administered to 52 construction stakeholders in construction organisations in Uyo Municipal formed the data collection instrument. Data analysis involved Mean Item Score, percentages and Coefficient of Variation. Findings of the study revealed durability, cost and availability are significant determinants of construction material choices. Materials management strategies adopted include stock control, site planning, quality control and adequate supervision. Adherence to effective material management correlates flowing project delivery by ensuring effective project planning. Recommendations are directed towards the need to consider responsible sourcing in pursuance of the global sustainability agenda in material procurement and usage.
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This is a research study on the importance for creation and development of good supplier relat...
The methodology of the experiment involves three main stages. The first part describes the synthesis of the PF (novolac) resins....
This study primarily focus on how effective the use of E-learning has been on higher education...
This study focuses on st. Thomas Aquinas argument for the existence of God; a God who is purported to have crea...
This study was informed by the necessity of research in the impact of integrated marketing commun...
Abstract: This research investigates strategies for enhancing early childhood literacy development to establish a robust education...
Main Objective: This study was therefore to access the incidence of Preeclampsia in women admitted to FMC Yola in their pre and...
This study examines the influence of customer satisfaction on business performance. Objectives include: (1) evaluating the impact of customer satis...
This study investigates the news reporting of 2015 General Elections in some Nigerian newspapers using the lexico-grammatical an...