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An Assessment of Digital Pragmatic Strategies in Nigerian Social Media: A Case Study of Twitter and Instagram

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Background of the study
Digital communication is not solely about conveying information—it is equally about managing interpersonal relationships through pragmatic strategies. In Nigeria, Twitter and Instagram have become vibrant arenas where users deploy various pragmatic devices to express attitudes, manage conversations, and negotiate social relationships (Okafor, 2023). Twitter, with its character limits and real‑time updates, necessitates the creative use of abbreviations, emojis, and hashtags to indicate tone and emotion. Instagram, on the other hand, blends visual content with text, encouraging a multimodal approach to pragmatics where captions, comments, and visual cues converge to construct meaning (Adebayo, 2023). This study examines the digital pragmatic strategies employed by Nigerian users on these two platforms. It focuses on how these strategies facilitate effective communication in a multicultural and multilingual society. The research investigates the role of politeness markers, humor, irony, and other conversational cues that are adapted to the digital environment. By comparing Twitter and Instagram, the study aims to uncover the distinctive pragmatic practices that arise from their differing affordances, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of online communication in Nigeria (Chukwu, 2024).

Statement of the problem
Despite the importance of pragmatic strategies in digital communication, there is a paucity of research focusing on how Nigerian users employ these strategies on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Existing studies tend to generalize digital pragmatics without accounting for the platform-specific factors that shape interaction styles (Ibrahim, 2023). This gap hinders a comprehensive understanding of how pragmatic devices are adapted in response to different media formats and cultural contexts, leaving the nuanced effects on user engagement and interpersonal relationships largely unexplored (Okafor, 2024).

Objectives of the study

  1. To identify and analyze pragmatic strategies used on Twitter and Instagram by Nigerian users.
  2. To compare how platform-specific features influence these strategies.
  3. To assess the impact of digital pragmatics on effective online communication.

Research questions

  1. What pragmatic strategies are prevalent on Twitter and Instagram in Nigeria?
  2. How do platform features influence the use of these strategies?
  3. What are the implications of these strategies for digital communication efficacy?

Significance of the study
This study is significant as it provides an in-depth assessment of digital pragmatic strategies on Twitter and Instagram among Nigerian users. The findings will inform communication scholars, social media practitioners, and policymakers about how pragmatic elements shape online interactions and cultural expression, thereby enhancing the theoretical understanding of digital pragmatics (Okafor, 2023).

Scope and limitations of the study
The study is confined to analyzing pragmatic strategies on Twitter and Instagram within Nigerian digital communication. It excludes other platforms and offline pragmatic behaviors to maintain a focused analysis.

Definitions of terms

  • Digital Pragmatics: The study of language use and conversational strategies in digital contexts.
  • Pragmatic Strategies: Techniques employed to manage interpersonal communication and convey attitudes.
  • Multimodal Communication: The integration of multiple forms of communication, such as text and visuals.

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