This study was designed to investigate the perceived problems and prospects of Universal Basic Education UBE implementation in Junior Secondary Schools in Ezeagu Local Government Area Enugu State. This work has been structured in five chapters to make an ideal project. Chapter one, embodies the background of the study, which emphasized on education. It further show cases how the Nigerian Government desired to eradicate illiteracy in Nigeria lunched Universal Basic Education UBE. Besides, the statement of the problems, purpose of the study, scope of the study and research questions upon which this study is based, there are theories also associated to the study which are; human relation theory, the behavioural science theory and system theory; This implies that the government should see the essence of human factor, the management of the UBE, and that of the actualization of UBE objectives involves team work (system theory). The chapter two of this work, made an in-depth review of related literature, the chapter three covers the methodology with which the study is carried out. Twenty items of questionnaire was used to elect the information from the respondents. In this regard, research design was chosen, area of study, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data collection and method of analysis. In chapter four, the presentation interpretation and analysis of data collected were analyzed. This is based on the description of data according to its relevance to a given research question. Also discussion and interpretation of results are carefully made. Chapter five which is the conclusion aspect of the work summarizes the points/ results of data findings, implication and recommendations that will see to the effective implementation of the Universal Basic Education UBE. Finally suggestion for further research was made.
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Background of the Study
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Statement of the problem
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