This project examined “the impact of financial management in a corporate organization” using NICON insurance as a case study. Financial management means to plan and control the finance of a corporate organization. It is done to achieve the objective of the organization which includes profit maximization, wealth maximization, proper estimation of total financial requirement of the organization, proper mobilization, proper utilization of finance etc. The problems of the study were identified as well as the objectives of the study which includes to examines the impact of financial management in corporate organization. Related literatures were reviews and the research methodology x-rayed, which consist of the population, source of data, sample size, method of investigation. The researcher after her analysis made some findings, among them being that financial manager is important in an organization. Conclusions and recommendations were made.
This research explores the effect of globalization on management accounting practices in Lago...
ABSTRACT: This study investigates innovations in career guidance and counseling for vocational students, aiming to enhance career decision-mak...
Indigenous arts in Nigeria are as old as time imm...
This study examined the Effects of Rational Self Analysis (RSA) and Cognitive Restructuring (CR) Counselling Techniques on Bully...
This study assesses the Influence of Social Media on Secondary School Students in Zaria, Kaduna State. The ess...
Foods and microorganisms have long and interesting associations which developed long before the beginning of re...
Education is a process of acquiring desirable changes in ones behaviour or character. The school...
The study examined the energy consumption and economic growth in Nigeria, using the time frame...
This study was carried out to examine internal audit as an instrument of management control&nb...
Rice has become a staple food, just like yam, garri and beans. As a result, the marketing of rice has...