Revenue generation of our country is mostly based on the income derived from tax, which can either be direct tax or indirect tax. This research specially focuses on the causes and remedies of tax evasion and avoidance in Nigeria. Having discovered the rate in which tax evaders and avoiders dodge or escape tax, this piece of writing also will gave solution on how to curtail the activities of tax evaders and avoiders.
To those who have been finding it difficult to distinguish or draw a sharp difference between tax evasion and avoidance, it is of immense important. This is so because, it gave the full meaning of tax evasion and avoidance to a layman’s understanding. Some of the things I discussed in this research project are: meaning of tax, tax evasion and avoidance, offences meted for tax evaders and tax avoiders, causes and remedies of income tax avoidance and avoidance and so many interesting topics not mentioned. In fact, you will find the project very rewarding to real.
This study was carried out on the determinants of maternal mortality in General Hospital Cal...
Background of the Study
Cost-cutting strategies are essential for improving business profitability, particularly in manufacturing firms w...
This study was carried out on public perception towards billboard advertisement using 7up bottling company, Ogu...
Background of the Study
Education is a cornerstone of development, playing a critical role in economic growth and societal progress. Fina...
The survey research method was adopted for the conduct of the study for which questionnaires, interviews and ob...
Rice is the most important cereal in the world after wheat and more than half of the human race needs rice as a...
Heart disease remains a significant public health concern globally, contribut...
Background of the Study
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Nguru Local Government Area rely on do...
Acquisition of real property in Nigeria is a right enshrined under the constitution of Nigeria 1999 (as amended). Transaction in...
The process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and perspectives is known as le...