This study was carried out on the examination of the knowledge of the cause and prevention of anaemia in pregnancy among pregnant mothers using pregnant women in Okada Community Edo State as case study. To achieve this 3 research questions were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprise of the all pregnant women in Okada community of Edo State. In determining the sample size, the researcher purposively selected 33 respondents while 30 respondents were validated. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analyzed using frequency tables and percentage while the hypothesis were tested using Chi-square Statistical tool. The result of the findings reveals that; anaemia is common (I.e. the prevalence is high) among pregnant women in Okada community, Edo State and there are factors associated with anaemia among pregnant women at Okada Community Edo State. Hence the identifiable factors associated with anaemia among pregnant women at Okada Community Edo State include; advanced kidney disease, hypothyroidism, old age and long-term diseases, such as cancer, infection, lupus, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The study also discovered that shortage of blood, leaking of blood, spiritual attack, shortage of iron in your body are the causes of anaemia among pregnant women at Okada Community Edo State. Lastly the study disclosed the numerous symptoms of anaemia with respect to body systems, among them include; dizziness, lightheadness, headache, pain, including in your bones, chest, belly, and joints. others are shortness of breath, skin that’s pale or yellow. However, pregnant women in Okado community of Edo State do not have profound knowledge about anaemia and its symptoms. Based on the above findings, the researcher recommended that public enlightenment campaigns should be embarked upon to sensitize the public on what anaemia is, its causes, risk factors and complications, Health education and promotion, especially to encourage all pregnant women to book early for antenatal care and to take appropriate intervention measures. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) efforts should be directed towards increasing levels of awareness and commitment at all levels, Strategies should be put in place to increase awareness on anaemia. These should include dissemination of information via antenatal and under-five clinics, public radio, and community development meetings conducted by extension workers, Education of the girl-child should be made compulsory to avoid teenage and unplanned pregnancy. This can also help in delaying first pregnancy. And Distribution of iron tablets in communities targeted at adolescent girls and women after marriage and before conception, as well as in the inter-pregnancy period will prevent iron deficiency at the onset of a pregnancy.
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