This Research work attempts to look at the effect of Tax evasion and avoidance on economic development of Nigeria and its capacity to reduce tax revenue growth (A case study of Lagos State Internal Revenue Service). Tax is a compulsory levy imposed by government on income individual, firms and household. It was also find out that an individual tax evader or avoider may engage in it simply because he is unable to appreciate any benefit that would accrue to him after payment of such tax. The study made use of secondary data obtained from Lagos internal revenue service on total revenue from taxation and total value of tax evasion. Questionnaires were also used to gathered information on the effect tax administration on tax evasion and avoidance. Mean and standard deviation methods were used to analyze the questionnaire administered to Lagos state internal revenue service staff. Empirical results shown that increasing tax evasion and avoidance reduce government revenue growth in Lagos .It was also found that Tax Administration is responsible for the tax evasion and avoidance in Lagos State. This was due to lack of enforcement machineries which include, adequate manpower, computers and effective postal and communication system. Finally, it is therefore recommended that the government should create awareness in the mind of tax payers about the importance of taxation in development of national economy and the effects of tax evasion and avoidance in government revenue growth.
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