High productivity is the pursuit if every public corporation. To allow for this, it is therefore necessary that the organization should tackle all the problems that could hinder the objective, purpose, growth and target for which the organization was established. This project therefore, is undertaken to give actual background on the problems that affect secretaries on their jobs, their prospects, the need to tackle these problems and the effect of these problems on secretarial productivity. According to the study, these problems could lead to under-utilization of secretaries, dissatisfaction with their jobs and lower productivity. Using observation, interview and questionnaire methods, it was found out that the secretaries were also affected with poor promotional morale, lack of adequate motivation, lack of modern equipment and poor conditions of employment compared with their counterparts. Also discussed were the prospects of secretaries in public corporations. The major findings was that there is poor promotional prospect in the secretarial profession. However, the appraisal of secretarial profession should be advocated because it will avail the organization the opportunity of proper
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Background of the Study
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