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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


The expansion of the labor sector always needs a defined connection between union and management; this relationship, in general, concerns an organization's continuous existence in order to fulfill the objective for which it was founded. The sort of connection that exists between the employer and the employees has a significant impact on the achievement of this aim. Determining the overall state of services, discipline, retaining an appropriate workforce, sustaining high productivity, adapting to technological development, and providing welfare for workers are all critical issues (Jude, 2016).

The acknowledgement of this interest not only formalizes the labor-management connection, but it also demonstrates that the parties' relationship may be maintained continuously. The extent to which an employee participates in the business of an organization is mainly determined and described by the employment contract. The fundamental link between the workers and the corporation is what he or she receives in exchange for completing tasks within the timeframes specified. Assuming a history in any organization or firm necessitates a worker's submission to an unending number of instructions and directions.

After the nature of the work, values, and amount of compensation, this is a power relationship that embodies conflict and consensus. In view of the foregoing, Whiter (1984) claims that the employment relationship is the source of industrial conflict. As a result, industrial conflict has long been a major public problem in the realm of labor and a source of worry for both management and labor unionists.

Because so much of industrial relations revolves around resolving disputes, it is widely assumed that conflict is an unavoidable part of working life. As a result, the problem isn't with fully eradicating conflict, but with properly tolerating and managing conflict (Walter, 2009). To accomplish this, it has been suggested that, rather than battling problems, a problem-solving approach to industrial relations decision-making be used.

There will always be conflicts of interest in every organization; nevertheless, each side has its own interests, aspirations, and temperaments. For example, inside an organization, management's major goal is probable profit maximization, which means it will serve to produce at the lowest possible cost, but the workers union's priority is to secure and preserve the highest and best conditions of service for employees. This type of circumstance might result in a fight. Conflict starts when one party believes the other side has frustrated or is likely to frustrate some of their concerns or interests. Conflict is a mental condition that must be recognized by the persons involved (Walter, 2009).

A dispute does not exist if one or more sides are unaware of it. Conflict is unavoidable in any institution. As a result, conflict may be useful in that it improves decision-making quality, stimulates creativity and invention, offers a forum for expressing complaints, relieves tensions, and fosters self-evaluation and improvement. These outcomes are best achieved when conflict is skillfully managed; but, if it is not, it will create dissatisfaction, erode common bonds, lead to the dissolution of the group, stifle communication, weaken group cohesiveness, substitute group effectiveness, and jeopardize group survival (Deck, 2015). When such a circumstance arises and no appropriate machinery is employed, it might result in strikes, lockouts, and other issues.

In a nutshell, the method in which conflict is managed has a significant impact on the organization's effectiveness and efficiency. As a result, when a dispute arises in an organization, both union representatives and management should work together to find a long-term solution to the problem's root causes. They should start with concessions or simply employ integrated negotiation, where neither party has to be too inflexible in their interests. This means that when a compromise is required, they should do so promptly since a stitch in time saves nine.

Grievance processes, Negotiation procedures, and Dismissal procedures are some of the methods used in conflict management in a company (Deck, 2015).

Employees and employers are expected to follow these norms or procedures in order to maintain the industrial peace and harmony required for efficiency and production.

The researcher has selected to explore the experiences of mobile producing Nigeria in order to critically examine conflict management and organization growth in big scale organizations.


The effect and causes of industrial conflict will be evaluated. Industrial conflict is a phenomena typically linked with industrial facilities where a large proportion of workers rely on their income for existence.

1. The rate of industrial conflict in Mobile Producing Nigeria is influenced by a lack of suitable solutions for managing industrial conflict.

2. Strike resolution procedures have an impact on management in an organization.

3. Management in an organization is affected by disagreements over union concerns.

4. That insensitive strategic policies, such as compensation structures, have an impact on the degree of conflict in an organization and how it is managed.


The history of the study of industrial conflict is not alien to the Nigerian Industrial  development. This is because majority of the citizens of these country have been directly or indirectly affected by the action of the organized labour. However, this is to bring to the public the following:

1.   The subject matter of industrial conflict

2.   The causes and a thorough x- ray of the effectiveness of industrial conflict resolution process in Nigeria.

3.   To evaluate the impact of industrial conflict on the productivity and success.,

4.   To determine how best industrial conflict could be managed to ensure efficient and effective organization performance.

5.   To make useful conclusion and  recommendation for a viable system which will help an organization.

6.   Lack of workers participation in management decision affect conflict management in an organization.

7.   Disagreement on union issues affects management in an organization.


1.   To what extent would lack of adequate strategies in the management of industrial conflict affect an organization?

2.   To what extents do measures adopted on strike resolution affect conflict management in an organization like Mobile Producing Nigeria?

3.   How has lack of participation of workers in management in organization affect conflict management in organization?

4.   To what extent would insensitive strategic policies e.g salary structures affect conflict management in an organization like Mobile Producing Nigeria?

5.   To what extent would disagreement on union issues affect conflict management in Mobile Producing Nigeria?

The Main hypothesis of the study can be summarized in the following hypothesized relationship.

H1:     Organizational performance is directly related to the level of industrial conflict.

H0:     organizational performance is not directly related to the level of industrial conflict.


The scope of this study will be limited to Mobile Producing Nigeria. Therefore, the data that will be used in the course of the study will be obtained from Mobile Producing Nigeria for the analysis and interpretation of the result findings.

The finding of this study will be used for large scale organization especially manufacturing industrial like beverage industries, textiles industries and brewing/bottling industries in managing conflict to the best optimization of organizational goals and success.


The scope of this study will be limited to Mobile Producing Company Nigeria and will also touch large scale organization. The data will  be used in the study will be obtain from company environment for the analysis, interpretation and presentation of the result finding.

The result obtains from the research will be used in multi-national company especially manufacturing industries e.g textiles and bottling industries.

The research will try to solve problem of conflict in an organization and minimize the outcome of any futuristic conflict then create a simple way for organization success and development. It is also aimed at improvement of productivity in company performance and creates a peaceful and unity atmosphere for employees and employers.


Industrial Conflict: This may be defined as the dis-enhancement or dissatisfaction arising from the interaction between labour and management in the work place.

Productivity: This may be defined as the efficiency of an organization or enterprise.

Organization: Breech (1963) defined organization as the framework of the management process as formed by the definition of the responsibility by means of which the activities of enterprise are dispersed among managerial, supervisory and specialized personnel employed in its services.

Collective Bargaining: According to 1998 Convention of International Labour Organization, Collective bargaining is defined as the voluntary negotiation between employers or employees organization with a view to regulate terms and conditions of employments by collective agreement.  

Dispute: Trade dispute decree No. of 1976 defined trade dispute as any dispute between employers and employees or between workers which is connected with the terms of employment or condition of work of any kind.

Strike:  The  trade dispute Act 1976, defined strike as temporal cessation of work by a body of person, employed acting in combination or concerned refusal under a common understanding of workers to continue to work for an employer or to accept terms of employment and physical condition of work.

Lock-outs:  The trade dispute Decree No. 7 Section 37 of 1976 defined lockout to mean closing place of employment or the suspension of work or the refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of person employed by him to accept terms of employment and physical condition of work.

Industrial Action: This is the reaction of either party (employer or employee) to the conflict in an attempt to make the other party to succumb to its demand.

Trade Union: May be defined as the legitimate representative of employee’s interest at work with the right to challenge the right management to manage. Simply put, it is an association of worker, the purpose of which is to regulate the terms and condition of employment of its members.

Integrated Bargaining: In recent times, there has grown an interest in new forms of negotiation Act been variously term “integrated” win-win” “mutal gains” bargaining (see Fisher in Vry, 1981) or the desire is to make bargaining less adversarial and labour relation more harmonious. Hence, industrial parties that engage in integrative bargaining basically desire or seek to understand the other party needs, focus or problems and evaluate range of alternative solution while ultimately concentrating on the generation of the solutions that mutally meet the need of both parties (Stranss 1988: 673-675).

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