Background to the Study
The efficiency of teachers has been hypothesised to play a significant role in the academic success of their students (Hansen, 2022), Effective teachers, according to Darling Hammond, have enhanced subject matter knowledge, the ability to plan and deliver instruction, the ability to better manage and evaluate classrooms, and the ability to better support student learning. Other academics, such as Ngimbuzi (2022), have proposed that effective teachers should make use of novel teaching tactics, pay greater attention to the learning of their students, and adapt their practises based on the results of assessment. These academics are adamant that in order for a teacher to have a positive impact on their students' academic performance, they need to implement contemporary teaching and learning strategies. For example, the education system in Nigeria at the moment emphasises the use of a competent base curriculum, which is currently being implemented in primary schools. This curriculum places an emphasis on the development of certain specific key competencies that relate to pupils' learning environments, and it also seeks to ensure that teaching in the classroom broadens and deepens the mental horizon (Ngimbuzi 2022).
The attributes of an excellent educator have been the subject of investigation by a number of academics. Some people have pointed to commitment and desire for progress (Slavin et al.1995), zero tolerance for failure (NAO 2022), while still others have described effective instructors as individuals who have a high level of confidence in what they do. According to NAO (2022), for example, effective instructors are those who have a high sense of their own self-efficacy. In the end, the qualities that make a teacher effective may be summed up as those that help students do well in their coursework and those that work hard to make sure the school's objectives are met. The dream of any educational institution is to achieve its goals, such as greatest output, highest student retention, highest performance, and completion rates. Others have characterised the success of teaching depending on how teachers themselves conceptualise it in relation to primary education. In the description, Hansen, (2022) referred to particular measurements of attributes pertaining to the students, the teachers, and the classrooms. This description, on the other hand, is founded on the education production functional perspective, according to which the efficiency of a school is determined by the percentage of students who pass their classes.
The problem of pupils in Nigeria having a bad performance in their academic work has been a source of concern for everyone and anybody. The problem is so severe that it is largely credited with bringing about a decline in the overall quality of education in Delta State and Nigeria more generally. The way in which teachers carry out their responsibilities is a direct reflection of the level of education they provide. The academic achievement of students on both internal and external examinations has, over the course of time, been utilised as a criterion for determining the quality of teachers and instruction (Ajao 2001). It has been demonstrated that teachers have a significant impact on their students' academic performance, and they also play an essential part in educational attainment. This is due to the fact that the teacher is ultimately responsible for translating policy into action and principles based on practise during interactions with their students (Hansen, 2022). Teaching and learning are dependent on instructors, so it makes sense that an effective teacher is defined as one who achieves the intended results while doing the duties associated with his or her role as a teacher (Uchefuna 2001). It has been noticed that the output of public education, measured in terms of the quality of pupils, does not correspond to the amount of money spent by the government on it. As a direct result of the observed decline in the academic achievement, attitude, and values of secondary school students attending public secondary schools, one is led to wonder whether the high dropout rates and the poor quality of the students are not, in fact, a reflection of the instructional quality in the schools. In other words, the ineffectiveness of teachers in the classroom contact with the students could be responsible for the observed poor performance of pupils as well as the generally acknowledged falling standard of education in Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Teachers should always be effective at all times, because any ineffective teacher will be useless to the teaching profession. Such inefficiency may not necessarily be caused by individual teacher characteristics such intellectual capacity, inadequate training, and resistance to modern pedagogical methods, or poor attitude about the teaching profession and a lack of dedication to professional duties (Hakielimu, 2008) but also from the students‟ characteristics such as family background, students‟ predisposition to learn. Further, teacher ineffectiveness may be caused by classroom environment such as lack of necessary teaching and learning materials and the number of pupils in one classroom. The widely expressed view in Nigeria that all that is required to be an effective teacher is the general qualification earned from a university also needs to be investigated. Maybe that is the reason why unqualified teachers are still employed in Nigeria schools.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objectives of this study is to find out the effectiveness of primary school teachers and how it affect student’s academic performance, specifically the study intends to:
1. Find out our effective primary school teachers are in Abokuta south LGA
2. Examine the factors that influence teachers effectiveness
3. Find out the effect of teachers effectiveness on pupils academic performance
4. Examine the challenges impeding teachers effectiveness
1.4 Research Questions
1. How effective primary school teachers are in Abokuta south LGA?
2. What are the factors that influence teacher’s effectiveness?
3. Is there any effect of teacher’s effectiveness on pupil’s academic performance?
4. What are the challenges impeding teachers effectiveness?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
Ho: there is no effect of teacher’s effectiveness on pupil’s academic performance
Hi: there is effect of teacher’s effectiveness on pupil’s academic performance
1.6 Significance of the Study
Even when research findings have revealed that the crucial that the role of teacher effectiveness in determine students’ performance is one of the topics in field of education that have generated heated argument, the researcher is of the opinion, that results from research findings concerning teacher effectiveness, if appropriately articulated, could be used to initiate structure, to organize classroom atmosphere, to help to increase the students’ skill level and to motivate students in their learning performance. Other significances are that, result from such findings, and could be desirable factors for the achievement of schools objectives of which students’ educational achievement forms an important factor.
1.7 Scope of the Study
This research work will be conducted in five primary schools in Abeokuta south LGA in Ogun state.
1.8 Delimitation of the Study
Finance for the general research work will be a challenge during the course of study. Correspondents also might not be able to complete or willing to submit the questionnaires given to them.
However, it is believed that these constraints will be worked on by making the best use of the available materials and spending more than the necessary time in the research work. Therefore, it is strongly believed that despite these constraint, its effect on this research report will be minimal, thus, making the objective and significance of the study achievable.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Effectiveness: According to the oxford advanced learner dictionary (2006:469). The term effectiveness refers to produce the result that is wanted or intended, producing successful result
Teacher Effectiveness: According to Weimer (2013:4) teacher effectiveness refers to the process of cultivating skills, stimulate interest in the subject, motivate student to learn, present material well, make subject interesting, helpful and knowledgeable, intellectual challenging, setting high standard and encourage self-initiated learning.
Student performance: According to Pendleton (2005), refers to the mastery of knowledge, skill and attitude which student is supposed to know as a result of instruction.
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