Background to the Study
It has been theorized that teacher effectiveness is vital to student performance (Darling Hammond, 2010), According to Darling Hammond, effective teachers have expanded topic knowledge, are capable of planning and delivering teaching, can better manage and evaluate classrooms, and encourage student learning more effectively. Other studies, such as Clotfelter, Ladd, and Vigdor (2007), have advocated that successful teachers should employ innovative teaching strategies, pay more attention to student learning, and utilize assessment to modify their methods. These researchers claim that in order for teachers to be successful in enhancing students' performance, they must adopt current teaching and learning approaches, such as the competent base curriculum, which is now being implemented in primary schools and stresses the development of particular essential skills connected to the students' learning environment, as well as ensuring that classroom teaching broadens and deepens the mental horizon of students.
Numerous academics have sought to describe the characteristics of an exceptional teacher. Some have identified commitment and a desire for growth (Slavin et al. 1995), zero tolerance for failure (Anderson and Pellicer, 1998), and self-assurance as a characteristic of effective teachers. According to Ashton and Webb (1986), effective instructors are those who have a feeling of self-efficacy. Overall, teacher effectiveness may be described as the characteristics that help students do well and those that ensure the school's objectives are realized. Any educational institution's objective is to attain school objectives such as maximum output, highest student retention, performance, and graduation. Others have characterized teacher effectiveness in terms of how primary school teachers see it. In their explanation, Coleman et al. (1966) referenced to specific assessments of student, teacher, and classroom factors. This description, on the other hand, is based on the functional viewpoint of education production, where effectiveness is measured by the percentage of students who pass the course.
The discussion on the low academic success of Nigerian students has caught the interest of many. The severity of the issue has resulted in a widely recognized decline in the quality of education in Delta State and Nigeria as a whole. The quality of education is determined by how well educators fulfill their responsibilities. Over time, the academic accomplishment of students on both internal and external examinations served as a criterion for evaluating teacher and instructional quality (Ajao 2001). Teachers have been shown to have a substantial effect on students' academic teacher, and they also have a crucial role in educational success, since they are ultimately responsible for translating policy into action and principles into practice during interactions with students (Afe 2001). Teachers are responsible for both teaching and learning, thus it is not surprising that a great teacher is one who accomplishes the desired outcomes while doing his or her teaching obligations (Uchefuna 2001). It has been determined that the public education system's output in terms of student quality is not proportional to government expenditures. As a result of the documented decline in academic achievement, attitude, and values of secondary school students in public secondary schools, one wonders whether the high failure rates and poor student quality do not reflect the instructional quality of the schools. Teachers' inefficient relationships with students in the classroom may be the cause of observed pupils' low academic performance and Nigeria's often criticized declining educational quality.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Recent research reaffirms the importance of teachers' effectiveness at all times, since an inept teacher is ineffective for the teaching profession. This inefficiency may be caused not only by teacher qualities such as intellectual ability, poor training, and opposition to current educational approaches, but also by a negative attitude toward the teaching profession and a lack of commitment to professional tasks (Hakielimu, 2008). In addition, classroom environment issues such as a lack of proper teaching and learning resources, the number of students in a classroom, and student characteristics such as family history and learning motivation may contribute to teacher inefficiency. Therefore, it is vital to examine the widely held idea in Nigeria that all that is needed to be a successful teacher is a general degree from a university or institution of education. This is further confirmed by Anyanwu (2021), who argued that being a teacher involves perseverance and dedication towards imparting information to a student, in addition to qualification. Possibly for this reason, unskilled and incompetent teachers continue to work in Nigerian schools, hence aggravating the poor education quality and affecting student performance. In light of this, the purpose of this research is to assess the influence of teacher effectiveness on student performance.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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