Background to the Study
Domestic abuse is a pervasive problem in many communities throughout the world, and Nigeria is no different. Numerous Nigerian couples have been traumatized by this form of violence, according to research conducted in this field by Eneh et al. (2005). Domestic violence continues to be a problem due to the abuser's power and control; the victim's fear, intimidation, and humiliation (Okere, 2000).
The marriage institution is the world's oldest and most prevalent institution. This institution is held in such particular regard across all civilizations that it is regarded as a cornerstone of every society. Domestic violence is of interest to several academic fields, religious groups, and professional organizations due to the centrality of the marriage subject (Arldine, 1994).
Domestic violence was defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1996 as a pattern of abusive behaviour including a wide range of physical, sexual, and psychological maltreatment used by a person in an intimate relationship against another to gain power unfairly or to maintain the misuse of power, control, and authority.
The significance of the function of the husband in the family relationship has been hailed by some as a surviving family adaptation. However, this function has its own difficulties. Some spouses have been discovered to be victims of different sorts of abuse, including sexual, financial, and verbal abuse. All of these factors have a relationship on family relationships (Ayo, 2001).
In addition to standard heterosexual marriages, domestic violence also happens in some sexual partnerships. Abusive abuse may occur throughout a relationship or after the relationship has ended. Domestic violence is characterized by intimidation, humiliation, and physical injury. According to the definition of domestic violence, couples participate in it in order to maintain control over the other partner and prevent him or her from leaving or ending the relationship. A critical examination of the concept of domestic violence reveals that it portrays women as the victims who suffer the burden, while males are portrayed as the offenders.
This may be due to the widespread assumption that women are the weaker gender and males are, by right, the family's leader who must be followed. Domestic violence is prevalent in Nigeria, as shown by the country's high divorce, separation, and infidelity rates. In his study on wife beating in western Nigeria, Ajila (2000) discovered that 32 percent of women had suffered abuse, 21 percent feel that spouses should be beaten often, and 72 percent believe that wives should be beaten sometimes. Bakare (1986) classified marital conflict to exist along a particular continuum which are: occasional verbal quarrels, frequent verbal quarrels, occasional physiological quarrel, frequent physical quarrel, psychological separation, physical separation, and divorce, etc. Close examination reveals that a particular relationship is anticipated to go through all phases, but this is not always the case. Some couples reach the divorce phase without experiencing physical quarrels and physical separation, while others settle the problem entirely before reaching the divorce phase (Anyanwu, 2004).
According to researchers such as Rhodes, Adamson, and Arnolds (2000), domestic violence is still grossly underreported in Nigeria, if it is reported at all. The traditional causes of domestic violence, such as culture, ethnicity, and religion, are those factors that are commonly perceived and discussed as contributing to fighting between couples. They are immediate reasons that may be directly linked to domestic violence. Among these are sex role, sexual dissatisfaction and infidelity, ego massage, income disparity, religion differences, alcohol consumption, financial matters, childlessness, in-law influence, etc (Adekoya, 2005).
Second, the contemporary causes of domestic violence include underlying remote factors such as frequent verbal quarrels, occasional physiological quarrels, frequent physical quarrels, and psychological separation that are not easily observed or implicated, but influence violence behavior in marital relationships. Domestic violence is now a widespread occurrence. It should be remembered that just as husbands abuse their spouses, women abuse their husbands as well (Steinmetz, 1997). Only the degree of variation varies. How well has domestic violence or abuse been able to accomplish its purpose? Has domestic violence resolved the current issues of family strife, divorce, and separation?
The base of this study is to examine the domestic violence crime in Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
It has been determined that many types of domestic violence crimes occur in certain family relationships and have led to a variety of marital difficulties, including child neglect, communication gaps, property damage, divorce, separation, and finally death.
Many marriages have collapsed irreparably due to domestic violence nowadays. For example, many couples, particularly males, have resorted to settling scores with their spouses by violent behaviors such as beating and fighting at the least provocation. In other homes, affection has vanished, replaced by animosity and hostility between spouses. For instance, in many couples' homes, occasional verbal quarrels, regular verbal quarrels, occasional physiological quarrels, frequent physical quarrels, psychological quarrels and separation which in any event, lead to physical separation and final divorce, have ruled supreme. It is not surprising that domestic violence or aggressiveness between spouses has led to divorces in our customary and conventional courts today. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the crime of domestic violence in Nigeria.
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