Background of the Study
Education has been defined as the process of teaching, training and learning to improve knowledge and develop skills, attitude and moral. It prepares a person’s ability for future benefits in life if properly channeled. In other words, education helps a person to develop his talents fully, prepares him to be a responsible citizen and gives him the stimulus and opportunity for cultural enrichment of his life. Education not only provides knowledge and skills, but also inculcates values, training of instincts, fostering right attitude and habits. According to Isangedighi, A. (2006) they are of the opinion that, cultural heritage and values are transmitted from one generation to another through education. The major goal of education therefore is to ensure proper development of the child, such that he can fit-in and function in the society. If education starts from birth to death, suffice to say occupies an important place in the life of every individual and the academic performance of the school child as a function of how well a child is doing in school. Academic performance describes the maximum level of performance which a child or an individual can reach or attain in school academic activities if given every necessary support and opportunities by parents as well as the school authorities and teachers (Jeynes, J. 2012). However academic performance of a child cannot be described in isolation without considering background factors like family and parent who are the primary agent of social learning.
For a child to acquire education, the responsibility of training a child always lies in the hand of the parents. This is congruent with the common assertion by sociologist that education can be an instrument of cultural change which is being taught from home is relevant in this discuss (Brown 2016 and Darweli 2016). It is very important that children come closely in contact with their parents during the period of infancy to adulthood. The warmth which can only be provided by the parents gives the child a sense of belonging and affections which enhances their mental, physical, moral and educational growth. If children are denied this much needed parental affections and warmth during the vital period of their lives, they become negatively affected in all aspects of life. It is not out of place to imagine that parental attitude towards the child can have possible effects on the academic achievement of children in school. The importance of parent‟s educational attitudes and behaviours on children’s educational attainment has also been well documented especially in the developmental psychology literature. This evidence shows that different elements of parents‟ educational attitudes and behaviours, such as the provision of a cognitively stimulating home environment, parental attitude towards education in children‟s activities and parental beliefs and aspirations, have been identified as having a significant effect on children‟s levels of educational achievement.
Educators emphasize that parental attitudes have a significant impact on the child's behaviors. Starkey and Klein (2021) state that children are more successful in school activities as a result of regular and meaningful parental interests. The attitudes of parents have a great importance on the student’s personality and characteristics. Complementary behaviors demonstrated in school and family enable great benefits on students’ education and socialization. Individual’s first training starts in the family and continues in school. The cases will be effective during the critical periods of life take place mostly in these two environments. As a result of parental neglect serious problems may occur in students’ fundamental, physical and psychological needs that affect their health and development negatively.
According Clifford (2015), the attitude of parents is effective in children's psycho-social development. Parental attitudes seem to have a great influence on all the mentioned developments of the child. In this regard, protective, democratic, flexible and strict or rejectionist parental attitudes in raising their children will affect child’s skills in many ways. Furthermore, there are many features that affect parental attitudes such as; the relationship between parents and children, family environment where the child grew up, the relationship between parents, the child's being suitable for their expectation, number of children, the child's gender and characteristics features, the family's socioeconomic status and cultural features. When parents involve themselves in the education process of their children, usually the outcome can be qualified as a positive and encouraging one. In this regard, they are usually connected and act under their own parental attitudes, which are transmitted through their demonstration of mutual confidentiality regarding the children’s capabilities and their overall learning capacity which leads them towards succeeding over the learning, education as a complex process. Therefore, parents should get involved in supporting their children in doing their homework, as in this way they offer their parental support as one of the key strategies leading towards a successful education of their children at school.
Harrison and Hara (2010) also concluded in a research done in North Carolina that family and community involvement can have a powerful and positive impact on pupil outcomes. When parents talk to their children about school as well as when they ask their children how about what they do in schools, all signal parents’ supervision of their children’s school lives and parents view of the importance of their children’s success in school (Borgonovi & Montt, 2012). It is beneficial for students’ performance when parents highlight the value of school and talk with their children about what they have learnt at school. Furthermore, parents’ discussions of non-school related matters such as political or social issues, books, films or television programmes with their children has been shown to have a positive effect on children’s motivation and academic skills. Therefore, this study focuses on Parental involvement on students’ academic activities in selected secondary schools.
Background to the Study
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