Biology is the branch of science that studies a wide range of living organisms (plants and animals), including humans. Medical discoveries have highlighted the practical applicability of biological knowledge in our daily lives. The study of feared communicable illnesses, their causative agents, mode of transmission, cure, and the activity of pharmaceuticals in such cure are biological enlightenment approaches that aim to reduce human suffering. Biology plays an important role in understanding sexuality education (Bankole, 2017).
Biology has long been thought to play a role in predicting teenage sexual behavior. Several studies have characterized the importance of biological 'unfoldment,' including physical processes like pubertal growth and hormones, in teenage sexual behavior, implying that sexual activity timing may be as much a biological issue as a social or behavioral one. For this study on sexuality education, biology students are considered to have all of the necessary information.
Despite the fact that issues concerning sex and sexuality, as well as their consequences, stare us all in the face on a daily basis in the form of product advertisements, music videos, jingles, and billboards, sexuality education does not appear to receive commensurate attention in our homes and schools, according to Barnett, Maticka-Tyndale (2015). Single parenting, abortions, and divorces, to name a few, have all contributed to greater family instability. Teenagers lack knowledge of the mystery of sex and sexuality as a result of the media's over exploitation of sex and sexuality for attention. As a result, young people are confronted with moral concerns and are exposed to a variety of viewpoints on the subject. More incidents of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, incest, and rape may have resulted as a result of this. To make matters worse, parents often hesitant to tell their children about their sexuality. According to Akpama (2019), most African parents are unprepared to answer queries on sexual topics in a meaningful manner, and those who do so end up passing on inaccurate knowledge to their children. As a result, the entire topic is shrouded in secrecy, and the youngsters are now too humiliated to address it with their parents. Parents are in the best position to provide their children knowledge about sexuality.
Meanwhile, Alemayehu (2016) claimed that everyday sexuality education takes place in homes, schools, faith-based organizations, and the media. However, after doing study on rural secondary school students' perceptions of sexuality education, it was discovered that 70% of respondents indicated they had never discussed sex and sexuality with their parents, implying that the knowledge they received came from outside the house.
Sexuality education aims to reach out to young people before they become sexually active, whether by choice, need (for example, in exchange for money, food, or shelter), compulsion, or exploitation. This conversation will necessitate consideration of other dimensions of vulnerability, including disability and socioeconomic problems, in many developing nations.
Furthermore, some kids will get sexually associated with people of their own gender, either now or in the future (Bankole, 2017). These are delicate and difficult concerns for those in charge of developing and administering sexuality education, and the needs of the most vulnerable must be given special attention. Nigeria is not immune to current events and trends in other regions of the globe. Nigeria, as a full member of the global village, suffers the full impact of globalization, which is the influence of foreign popular cultures, acceptance, and adoption of such cultures as norms by people of other cultures, through the media, particularly social media.
The process of gaining knowledge and creating attitudes and ideas regarding sex, sexual identity, relationships, and intimacy is known as sexuality education or sex and relationships education. It also broadens our understanding of human reproduction's functional, structural, and behavioral aspects. It suggests that sexuality education will look at both the anatomy and function of the human reproductive system, as well as the individual's behavioral aspects in connection to it. It is also considered as the giving of accurate factual and developmentally appropriate knowledge and instruction on human sexuality matters, according to Adenike, Bello, and Olugbenga (2019). Individual and group standards, cultural ideas, and language about healthy sexuality are recognized and respected.
Furthermore, sexuality education aims to improve the communication skills of young people (adolescents) so that they can make educated decisions about their behavior and feel confident and competent in acting on those decisions. According to Briggs, sexuality education, which is still a contentious subject in certain parts of Nigeria, looks to be one of the most effective ways to reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted illness. Because of the controversies surrounding sex and sexuality education, it's critical to learn what students think about the subject.
The importance of sexuality education in schools has grown critical in today's culture. While many societies and cultures around the world have yet to agree to the inclusion of sex education in schools, belief systems, political systems, religions, and other institutions, some countries see sex education as a way to address issues such as reproductive health and sexual preference among teenagers. One of the five main pillars of the WHO global reproductive health plan, which was endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2010, is sexual health. (World Health Organization, 2017). Sexuality covers sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction, according to the World Health Organization. Thoughts, fantasies, desire, belief, values, attitude, behavior, practices, and relationships are all ways in which sexuality is experienced and expressed. While all of these qualities can be found in sexuality, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. The combination of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, ethical, legal, historical, religious, and spiritual variables influences sexuality (WHO, 2010). According to Ajuwon (2016), sexuality education encompasses information about family planning, reproduction, body image, sexual orientation, values, sexual pleasure, decision-making, communication, dating, relationships, sexually transmitted infections and how to avoid them, as well as birth control methods. It's also a way of sheltering or protecting young people from the repercussions of sexual ignorance and preparing them for a responsible life.
The ability to see, hear, and interpret things is referred to as perception (Nwoarali, 2014). Perception, according to Ngwu (2015), is the process through which organisms interpret and organize sensations in order to create a meaningful experience of the world around them. Perception, according to Morley (2016), is the ability to perceive the real nature of anything via the use of senses such as the ear, eye, nose, and tongue. They went on to say that it is a method through which a person analyzes or views a situation. Perception is defined in the context of this study as the process of being aware of, analyzing, or viewing a situation with a clear comprehension of occurrences in relation to sexuality education. Sexuality is a basic component of human nature, although it is still seen as forbidden. This is especially true in the case of teenagers, who account for around 20% of the world's population, or 1.4 billion people (WHO, 2017), and research has repeatedly proven that despite such taboos, a significant proportion of them are sexually active. Misinformation, a lack of understanding and skills, and negativity-skewed attitudes regarding sex have developed from the shame and fear of addressing sexuality with teenagers. As a result, dangerous behaviors have emerged.
According to the WHO (2017), more than one million people worldwide get a STI every day, with over 60% of these instances occurring in those under the age of 24. Furthermore, these risky practices have contributed to a global HIV epidemic, with Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) bearing the brunt of the burden. According to a 2016 UNAIDS report, SSA infects 69 percent of infected persons globally (UNAIDS, 2016), with young women being particularly vulnerable. Unsafe adolescent sex can result in unplanned pregnancies, as well as problems such as a greater rate of stillbirths, unsafe abortion, and the possibility of school expulsion and social rejection. According to WHO (2017), 16 million adolescent females give birth each year worldwide, with an additional three million having unsafe abortions. Unsafe abortions are estimated to occur at a rate of 21/22 per 1000 women worldwide. The area of East Africa has the greatest rate of unsafe abortions, with 36 per 1000 women.
The major purpose of sexuality education is to promote sexual and reproductive health, which is especially important in Nigeria, where sex education is considered taboo. Adolescents are generally denied access to sexual health information because society believes that such exposure would corrupt the kid and lead to him or her becoming a victim of early sexual intercourse. When the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Education, civil society organizations, and many other international development partners, drafted and proposed a sexuality education curriculum for primary and secondary schools in 2002, it was met with mixed reactions and sparked a firestorm of controversy, particularly in Northern Nigeria. The debate about its acceptability or otherwise was quickly hijacked by religious leaders and other gatekeepers, who gave it varied implications and colors.
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