There is no question that a country's degree of development is directly related to its literacy level. Rather than improving its literacy ranking, several research indicate that Nigeria continues to regress (Olanrewaju, 2008). Reading is required for full engagement in today's society. It improves the quality of life by providing access to cultural heritage, empowering and emancipating citizens, and bringing people together. According to Holt (1998), a scenario in which a substantial proportion of individuals rarely read, either because they lack the competence or just do not care enough to take the time to focus, would pose one of the key building blocks of learning. Developing as a proficient and adaptive reader improves one's chances of success in school and in life. Sisulu went on to say that reading isn't only for school; it's for life. Reading in all of its forms is essential for being more educated and developing a better knowledge of oneself and others. It teaches people to be intelligent and constructive members of a democratic and harmonious community (Sisulu, 2004). In the case of Nigerian students, the lack of a broad reading culture acts as an effective impediment to their academic achievement. Our nation's economic, social, and political health today is dependent on developing educated individuals who can read extensively and use what they learn realistically for progress (Olanrewaju, 2008). The high rate/level of illiteracy is responsible for the majority of the difficulties we face in our country today. If a person is able to read and write, he will almost surely be able to avoid some things that are harmful to him. He will be able to obtain information on how to stay healthy from a variety of sources. He will understand how to care for himself in order to stay healthy (Nssien, 2008).
According to Osundare (2009), a country's degree of development is a result of its level of mental and cultural evaluation, as well as the status of its educational advancement, which is based on achieving a high level of literacy in all segments of the population. He goes on to say that Nigeria must raise its literacy rate since literacy is the foundation of a country's progress. The reality is that until a solution to Nigeria's shrinking or inadequate reading culture is found, the country will continue to struggle with underdevelopment. It is consequently necessary to raise awareness among the current generation about the benefits and significance of reading, as well as to ensure that they have the literacy skills required in modern society. Despite the significance of reading among schoolchildren, the researcher wanted to understand the origins of this bad reading culture and how it affects students' academic performance in English.
The ability of a youngster to read in English determines his or her achievement in other areas. The ability of a youngster to read and write benefits the child much. One of the benefits is that the child's success in other academic and educational areas will be influenced by this skill. There's no denying that a good reader will inevitably become an excellent writer. This has nothing to do with magic or mystery. According to Rubic and Provost (1998), in order to acquire any degree of publishable brilliance as writers, people must learn to refine their instincts for what works significantly. This might be accomplished by "practicing writing and reading" (p.4). When a youngster learns to read, he or she becomes literate. He or she can converse, dictate symbols, and select when and when not to eat. According to Omojuwa (2005), functional literacy does not end with learning but also assures reading for survival even after a child's attempt ends at the primary school level. The early missionaries' purpose in providing a six-year educational course for youngsters aged 6 to 12 years was to teach them fundamental reading and writing abilities. When instructors, parents, and guardians devote time to teaching children, they are all working toward the same objective, either directly or indirectly (Ekpu, 1997). He goes on to say that throughout these years of growth, the kid should be able to recognize objects, symbols, and numerical figures at home, school, or even on the playground. Similarly, when a student reaches the age of graduation from elementary school, he is expected to be proficient in reading short phrases in English. This implies that if a kid starts primary one at the age of six, by the time he or she reaches primary six, he or she will be eleven years old. There is no reason for a youngster of this age to be unable to read basic phrases in English. While criticizing the usually low condition of supply of library facilities and resources in most elementary and secondary schools in Nigeria, Eyo (2007) emphasized that insufficient provision of libraries in schools is a general illness afflicting education in Nigeria. According to Ingham (1998), a family's socioeconomic situation has a strong correlation with a child's reading performance. Ingham observes that although loudness in the classroom and homework checking are under the teacher's control. Ingham thinks that this is the point at which parents allow their child's reading condition by fully supporting those aspects that are beyond the teacher's control. The reality is that defining those elements, either inside or outside of the teacher's control, that contribute to poor academic performance of students in English language remains an unresolved issue in our primary schools in general and among students in particular.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The current reading and writing abilities of the ordinary Nigerian elementary school student are deplorable. This is the common consensus among scholars like Rumelhart (2004). According to Pinnell (2000), most youngsters who do not learn to read do so not because they are incapable of learning, but rather because of their careless attitude about reading. Again, Eyo (2007), while bemoaning the generally poor state of provision of library facilities and resources in most primary schools in Nigeria in general and in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State in particular, emphasized that inadequate provision of libraries in primary schools is a general disease plaguing education and has resulted in pupils' poor academic performance in school subjects in general and English language in particular. Low reading among primary five students is caused by a variety of causes, which has resulted in students' poor academic achievement in English. It was concerning since the study discovered that students' academic performance in English language was rather bad, which may impede their academic development in life. This spurred the creation of this study in an effort to provide a solution to this enormous challenge.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The study was undertaken to determine the causes of poor reading culture of primary school pupils and academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Specifically, the study sought to determine:
1. The relationship between pupils’ attitude towards reading and their academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area.
2. The relationship between poor libraries or none at all and pupils’ academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area.
3. The relationship between socio-economic status of parents and pupils’ academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were poised to guide the study:
1. What is the relationship between pupils’ attitude towards reading and their academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area?
2. What is the relationship between poor libraries or none at all and pupils’ academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area?
3. What is the relationship between socio-economic status of parents and pupils’ academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.
1. There is no significant relationship between pupils’ attitude towards reading and their academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area.
2. There is no significant relationship between poor libraries or none at all and pupils’ academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area.
3. There is no significant relationship between socio-economic status of parents and pupils’ academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area.
1.6 Assumption of the Study
The following assumptions were made in the study. It is assumed that:
i. Pupils’ poor reading culture is caused by a number of factors.
ii. Pupils’ attitude towards reading affects their academic performance in English language.
iii. Poor libraries or none at all influence pupils’ academic performance in English language.
iv. Socio-economic status of the family correlates highly with the degree of a child’s reading success.
v. The independent and dependent variables can be measured systematically.
1.7 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study are expected to be of help to primary school teachers in their decision to adopt a particular teaching method aimed at making pupils learn how to read in English language.
Also, it is believed that the findings of this study will guide parents in their collaborative effort to teach their children how to read English language. More so, this study will provide current empirical data as regards the causes of poor reading culture of primary five pupils in English language.
Finally, this study will be of immense benefits to resource persons in their course of training and retraining primary school teachers. Again, this study will equally benefit would-be researchers by serving as a reference material for those who might want to conduct research on similar related subject matter.
1.8 Delimitation of the Study
This study is delimited to the determination of the relationship between causes of poor reading culture of primary school pupils and academic performance in English language in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
The study is also delimited to pupils’ carefree attitude towards reading, poor libraries or none at all and socio-economic status of parents as they relate to pupils’ academic performance in English language. Reading Culture.
1.9 Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarity and better understanding of the concepts used in this study, the following terms were defined according to the context in which they are used. Reading Culture
Reading: In its simple and general sense, reading denotes the decoding of information or message encoded in a conventional graphic symbol understood by both encoder (the author) and the decoder (reader). Reading Culture
Culture: That complex whole or civilization which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, customs and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of the society. Or the culture of a society is the way of life of its members, the collection of ideas, and habits which they learn, share and transmit from generation to generation. Reading Culture
Academic performance: This has to do with the level of achievement of primary school pupils in English language test and examinations.
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