From time immemorial, the census has been a trustworthy activity on which the government relies for decision-making as well as administrative and planning support. According to Robert M. Groves, Director of the United States Census Bureau (2010);
"Just as we cannot exist without roads and bridges, the country cannot operate efficiently without an updated census to allocate monies to places that need them the most, as well as to support community decisions and their own destiny."
Because contemporary life is becoming more complicated, there is a larger need to plan housing, schools, roads, transportation, and a wide variety of social and economic needs for the nation. This cannot be done without a complete population count. Some organisations or governments, such as the National Population Commission, are in charge of census administration (NPC).
According to Akinyosoye (2019), the placement of computers in these companies or bodies that manage census information would help not only in quickly capturing information but also in solving some difficulties that are difficult to tackle manually. Human resources are regarded to be an enterprise's most valuable assets provided they are effectively harnessed and encouraged to accomplish their assigned jobs in such a way that they contribute to the enterprise's goals and objectives.
As a result, adequate population records will provide all of the necessary information associated with people, such as population size, age structure, educational attainment, labour force, and socioeconomic characteristics, as opposed to the manual method, which makes access to data and information very time consuming (Chukwudi & Udenze 2015). The integration of disparate datasets so that they may be integrated and processed simultaneously, as well as other factors, inspired the researcher to create software for the National Population Commission (NPC).
Census taking in Nigeria can be traced to have started from as far back as 1966 after the colonization of Lagos by our colonial masters. Since then, there have been several attempts to count Nigeria population. However, these censuses are characterized by some difficulties and deliberate and ill-minded attempts to inflate population figures; just in favour of one geopolitical zone or the other. This does not and cannot represent the nation‟s image as regards to human population. As a result of this, the National Population Commission (NPC) was established using the Decree No. 23 of 1989. The brain behind this was to have successful censuses each time and as well accurate demographic data.
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