This study details the manual guide on how to run the program effectively. All steps that will help in the smooth running and operation or using the program are all documented.
The language used in development of the program is Visual Basic language. This language was chosen because of the versatility and the knowledge which the researcher have acquired about it.
In system description we describe the entire system including hardware, software, personnel and environment of the installed new system.
The hardware will include a 14th video display unit, terminal keyboard for input cables connecting the components, memory storage which can be a 586 or 686 on a 32MB hard disk density of 3.5 GB, and it should not be less than a HP laser.
The software is developed using visual Basic programming language, the choice is made and preferred owing to the fact that it runs in all compatible computer (IBM or other wise).
The personnel and environment of installed new system is very precise and comprehensive because it was designed after a detailed analysis of the existing system.
Visa processing system program consist of main menu from which all other commands are connected. It is an input section that allows the user to enter the password and work on the following commands Entry: In this command it receives data entries and prompts the sure for confirmation, after that it store the record and request for more record and stop.
Update: In update it view date entries, prompts the user for change of record. If the change of record is confirmed it will print a record and check for the existence of the record code, if it exist then it update the record and close all files.
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