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An Appraisal of Ethnic-Based Campaign Strategies and National Unity: A Case Study of Lafia Local Government, Nasarawa State

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style:
  • Recommended for :
  • NGN 5000

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
Ethnic-based campaigning refers to political strategies that appeal to voters based on their ethnic group affiliations. In Nigeria, this approach has been a common feature of elections, with politicians often tailoring their messages to resonate with specific ethnic groups. This study aims to explore the effects of ethnic-based campaign strategies on national unity, focusing on Lafia Local Government, Nasarawa State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Ethnic-based campaigns can foster division by encouraging voters to prioritize ethnic identity over national interests, potentially undermining national unity. In Lafia Local Government, such strategies have been prevalent, but their effects on broader national cohesion and electoral outcomes have not been sufficiently examined. This study seeks to evaluate how ethnic-based campaign strategies impact national unity and the overall political landscape.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

  1. To assess the use of ethnic-based campaign strategies by political parties in Lafia Local Government.
  2. To examine the impact of these strategies on national unity, voter behavior, and electoral outcomes.
  3. To evaluate the role of ethnic-based politics in strengthening or weakening national cohesion.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. To what extent are ethnic-based campaign strategies employed by political parties in Lafia Local Government?
  2. How do ethnic-based campaigns affect voter behavior and electoral outcomes in Lafia?
  3. What impact do these strategies have on national unity and social cohesion in the region?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

  1. Ethnic-based campaign strategies contribute to the fragmentation of national unity in Lafia Local Government.
  2. Voters influenced by ethnic-based campaigns are more likely to vote based on ethnic affiliation rather than broader political or policy considerations.
  3. Ethnic-based campaigning has a significant impact on national cohesion, either strengthening or weakening the sense of unity among citizens.

1.6 Significance of the Study
This study will contribute to understanding the role of ethnic-based campaign strategies in shaping political outcomes and national unity. The findings will inform strategies for promoting inclusive campaigns and fostering unity in Nigeria’s electoral processes, particularly in Lafia Local Government.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study will focus on ethnic-based campaign strategies during local government elections in Lafia Local Government. Limitations may include difficulty in isolating ethnic influence from other factors affecting voter behavior and challenges in quantifying the impact of ethnic-based politics on national unity.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

  • Ethnic-Based Campaign Strategies: Political tactics that appeal to voters based on shared ethnic identities and cultural ties.
  • National Unity: The sense of collective identity and cohesion among the people of a nation, transcending ethnic, regional, and political divisions.
  • Voter Behavior: The patterns and motivations behind how individuals decide to vote, including the influence of ethnic, social, and political factors.


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