Background of the Study
The growing use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has now invaded practically every facet of society, including the healthcare industry. In recent years, the widespread use of information and communication technology (ICT) has permeated practically every aspect of human and organizational life, including the healthcare industry (Powell, Darvell, & Gray, 2015). According to Park (2015), the Health Information System was created in order to fully leverage technology, particularly the Internet, in the provision of better healthcare. Health information systems are typically defined as the interplay of people, processes, and technology to support operations and management in delivering critical information to improve the quality of healthcare services. The nature of the healthcare sector, like that of any other industry, has transformed over time from a relatively stable to a dynamic one. And health information systems have evolved as a result of several technology (Haux, 2016).
Haux (2016), characterizes systems that analyze data and offers information and knowledge in healthcare environments as health information systems. Hospital information systems are just an instance of health information systems, in which a hospital represents the healthcare environment as well as healthcare institution. The purpose of health information systems is to contribute to a high-quality, efficient patient care.
The Health Information System (HIS), also known as the interface between people, processes, and technology, was created to assist daily operations and management in delivering essential information to facilitate better healthcare delivery services; this is due to the continuous increase in medical information required for clinical decision making and the quality of processed data available to medical practitioners inpatient healthcare, which influences the outcome and continuity of care (Ojo & Popoola, 2015).
According to Umar (2015), HIS was described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the utilisation of information and communication technology (ICT) to link healthcare service providers, their patients and governments. Hence, HIS are unified, computer-aided systems developed to gather, store and collate wide-ranging patient medical information inside a healthcare institution (Adeleke, Asiru, Oweghoro, Jimoh & Ndana, 2015). Conventionally, patient medical data are handwritten on several paper copies, which makes finding and comparison of information cumbersome and complicated; consequently, limiting the process of information sharing essential for timely healthcare service delivery. Also, timely access to quality healthcare information requires a systematic and secured documentation process for the provision of excellent patient care, achievable through Electronic Health Records (Adedeji, Irinoye, Ikono & Komolafe, 2018).
The adaptation of information technology applications has resulted in a significant shift in the medical services chain and administrative operations inside medical services institutions. These effects include (1) the frequency with which medical services are used and (2) the interaction between medical service providers and consumers (Umak, Tumpfl, & Punik, 2015). The goal of using information technology in the field of health care is to increase the efficiency and speed of disease diagnosis, improve data management, and protect customer information (Makanga, Schuurman, von Dadelszen, & Firoz, (2016); Kyriacou, E., Pavlopoulos, S. et al 2016). Information technology systems have demonstrated utility equivalent to electronic health information systems (EHIS), with studies indicating that both improve disease detection and treatment efficiency globally (Muller-Staub, 2017).
It may be claimed that HIS is the digital counterpart of the paper patient chart, as it can store health data and examine it as requested from professionals, for example, the results of medical studies and therapies. It may also be claimed that these systems are designed to manage time by making patient’ records available to authorized users only (Bowman, 2016). The process of integrating the various components and the coordination of operations depend to a considerable extent on the technical tools and means. With the rapid development of information computing, the advent of the Internet, and the increase in integration with the cloud computing, data science, mobile Internet, and the internet of things, it is becoming increasingly clear that information and communication technology (ICT) has a leadership par excellence in data integration leading to the rapid transfer of information (Ojo, & Popoola, 2015).
Statement of the Problem
Globally, healthcare delivery systems are based on how successfully healthcare institutions can provide inexpensive and high-quality care to their citizens. However, healthcare delivery in Nigeria is still perceived to be of poor quality due to poor access to medical information in Nigeria's public healthcare institutions according to Ojo & Popoola, (2015), which usually results in delayed, inappropriate decisions and ineffective service delivery; thus, the need to assess the implications of electronic health information systems on medical records management in Nigeria's public healthcare institutions.
According to Nwankwo (2017), healthcare service delivery in Nigerian hospitals has deteriorated in recent decades. Hospitals and clinics in both the public and private sectors have failed to keep up with the global trend of information systems or to competently implement policies to ensure patient health information is not only properly stored, but also easily retrieved for prompt and efficient health service delivery. In Nigeria, health services are characterized by inefficiency and bad management practices, which have become major impediments to healthcare delivery.
One important problem has been the continued use of the conventional paper record system in most Nigerian public health facilities, which frequently results in delays and long patient wait times. Aside from the difficulty in recovering patients' medical records, there is also the potential of medical records being misplaced (Adeleke, 2018). As a result of the non-availability of medical records and histories, they frequently result in long patient wait times, as well as erroneous treatments or increased complication (Adefolaju, 2015). According to the World Health Organization, the result of this scenario is an increase in adult (maternal inclusive) mortality rate in Nigeria, which as of 2015, the mortality rate of ages 15 – 60 was 32.83 death per 1000 population, but lower (25.54) in 1970 with fewer hospitals and medical facilities. According to UNICEF, Nigeria records 2,300 occurrences of infant mortality and around 145 cases of maternal mortality each day (Attah, 2017). This places Nigeria as the country with the second-largest contributor to the world's high newborn and maternal death rates. The implementation of an electronic health information system is a simple instrument that can shift the narrative. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of a health information management system at the National Hospital in Abuja.
Objectives of the study
The primary objective of this study is to examine the effect of health information management system in National hospital, Abuja. Specifically but not limited to, other objectives of this study are:
Research Questions
The following research questions which are in line with the objectives of this study will be answered:
Statement of Hypotheses
To further determine the effectiveness of this study, the following null hypotheses are formulated to guide the study and it will be tested at 0.05% levels of significance.:
H01: Health information management system is not available in national hospital Abuja.
Ho2: The health information management system is not effectively used in the National hospital, Abuja.
Ho3: The use of health information management system has not improved on the quality of record keeping in the National hospital, Abuja.
Scope of the Study
This study will be focused on examining the effect of health information management system in National hospital, Abuja. Specifically, it will focus on determining whether the National Hospital Abuja has a health information management system, determining the extent health information management system is used in National hospital, Abuja, determining the effectiveness of use of health information management system in the National hospital, Abuja, examining whether the use of health information management system has improved on the quality of record keeping in the National hospital, Abuja, examining the challenges of using the health information management system in the National hospital, Abuja and proffering possible solutions to the challenges encountered in the use of the health information management system in the National hospital, Abuja.
Hence, some selected staff of national hospital Abuja from various department will serve as enrolled participants for this study.
Significance of the Study
This study as a whole will be useful for future research and will contribute to the body of knowledge. It will specifically inform the health sector about the need for health information management system as it will lead to a more efficient diagnosis and treatment of illnesses in hospitals. The findings of this study will be greatly beneficial to the government as it will increase the pressure on the government to ensure the availability of funds to the health sector for the purchase and maintenance of up to date health information management system tools. Furthermore, the findings of this study will be important to the hospital management board of the National hospital, Abuja as it will enlighten them on the need to invest in technology that will aid in the proper storage of patients medical records.
Finally, this study will also be highly significant to researchers and scholars as it will serve as an existing material for further studies and future research.
Operational Definition of Terms
Effect: a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
Health Information Management System: is a system whereby health data are recorded, stored, retrieved and processed to improve decision-making.
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