The research proffers an analytical and theoretical framework of functional accounting education curriculum for sustainable youth empowerment. It appraises the nature of a functional accounting education curriculum and determines its significance in youth empowerment. The research seek to determine functional accounting education curriculum for youth empowerment in Edo state. The research has attempted to investigate and report the factors influencing functional accounting education curriculum in Edo state. Accounting is a dynamic discipline that changes with societal needs; to maintain relevance; it has to keep evolving with the changing environment.
There are a number of ways to measure the attractiveness and success of an institution’s accounting program, (i.e. quality of accounting graduates, quality of faculty service and research, quality of incoming students and teaching efforts, etc.). It was observed that there is difference between the new accounting curriculum and the old one. Also that, that the effect of functional accounting education curriculum on sustainable youth empowerment in Edo state is high. Curriculum change is a complex process and successfully managing the curriculum is even a more complex problem.
Managing secondary school accounting curriculum for equity in this globalization age implies not only fair distribution of quality educational facilities among rural and urban schools, enrichment of the curriculum and involvement of stakeholders in the curriculum re-engineering process but also supportive mechanisms. These mechanisms can best be provided by school administrators who have become transformational leaders and who use their leadership style to inspire subordinates, colleagues, workgroups, superiors and other stakeholders in accomplishing the renewal process and the desired outcome.
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