Background of the Study
Tax sensitization campaigns aim to educate the public about the importance of paying taxes and the benefits of tax compliance. In Billiri LGA, despite various sensitization efforts, tax compliance rates remain relatively low. This study will explore the role that tax sensitization campaigns play in improving taxpayer compliance and how effective these campaigns have been in changing public attitudes and behaviors towards taxes.
Through an examination of existing tax sensitization campaigns, this study seeks to evaluate the relationship between awareness-raising activities and tax compliance in Billiri LGA. The findings will inform the development of more effective campaigns in the future.
Statement of the Problem
Although tax sensitization campaigns have been implemented in Billiri LGA, the impact on tax compliance is still limited. There is a need to assess the effectiveness of these campaigns and identify improvements to increase taxpayer participation.
Aim and Objectives of the Study
Aim: To examine the role of tax sensitization campaigns in improving tax compliance in Billiri LGA.
To assess the effectiveness of current tax sensitization campaigns in Billiri LGA.
To examine the relationship between tax awareness and compliance behavior.
To recommend improvements to tax sensitization campaigns for enhanced compliance.
Research Questions
How effective are the current tax sensitization campaigns in Billiri LGA?
What is the relationship between tax sensitization and compliance behavior?
How can tax sensitization campaigns be improved to increase compliance in Billiri LGA?
Research Hypothesis
H₀: Tax sensitization campaigns do not significantly improve tax compliance in Billiri LGA.
H₀: There is no significant relationship between tax awareness and tax compliance behavior.
H₀: Improving tax sensitization campaigns will not lead to better tax compliance.
Significance of the Study
This study will provide insights into the effectiveness of tax sensitization campaigns, helping local authorities in Billiri LGA design more impactful initiatives to increase tax compliance.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study focuses on tax sensitization campaigns in Billiri LGA. Limitations include difficulties in measuring the direct impact of campaigns on compliance and potential biases in survey responses.
Definition of Terms
Tax Sensitization: The process of educating the public on the importance of tax payment and its benefits.
Tax Compliance: The adherence to tax laws by individuals and businesses.
Taxpayer Awareness: The level of understanding and knowledge about tax laws and the importance of tax compliance.
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