This research explores the impact of investment in renewable energy on portfolio growth, focusing on: (1) the benefits of renewable energy investments for portfolio diversification and growth; (2) the strategies for successful investment in renewable energy; (3) the challenges in renewable energy investments. A survey design is used to gather quantitative data. Taro Yamane's formula is applied to derive a sample size of 310 respondents from Lagos, representing a mix of individual and institutional investors. A renewable energy company is chosen as the case study due to its significant investments in renewable energy projects. The reliability coefficient score for the survey instrument is 0.88. Findings indicate that renewable energy investments offer significant growth potential and diversification benefits, contributing to overall portfolio performance. However, challenges include high capital costs and regulatory hurdles. It is recommended that investors consider renewable energy as part of their diversified portfolios, conduct thorough due diligence, and stay informed about regulatory and technological advancements to optimize returns and contribute to sustainable development.
The project examines the link between financial accounting and corporate governance in Nigeria...
Abstract: This study investigates the impact of adult education on substance abuse prevention, focusing on how educational programs designed f...
Background of the Study
Environmental laws are designed to protect natural resources and ensure sustainable development. In Katsina Local...
Background of the Study
The nurse-patient ratio is a critical factor influencing the q...
Background of the Study
Civic education plays a crucial role in shaping democratic values and encouraging political part...
Background of the Study
Media ownership plays a crucial role in shaping editorial policies and influencing the independe...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Inter-religious dialogue has emerged as an...
Background of the Study
Sexual abuse is a traumatic event that can have significant ps...
Background of the Study
Rural-urban migration has become a defining feature of socio-economic change in...