The study examined the deposit money bank loans and agricultural sector performance in Nigeria. This study employed regression analysis method to show if there is significant relationship between deposit money bank loans and agricultural sector in Nigeria for the period of 2006-2015. Real bank rate could not be given by the CBN and financial institutions, 45% of the total 100% of the original distribution bank credit gotten from its Statistical Bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria was used. Hypothesis generated for the study was tested at 0.05 level of significance using ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis, To ensure the content and face validity of the instrument, Serial Correlation LM Test and White Test of Heteroskedasticity were carried out to ensure that the data for this study was fit for the model for the validity of the instrument. Result from the study indicated that bank credit is key variables of deposit money bank loan that significantly have relationship with agricultural productivity. Also, agricultural sector with better bank credit naturally tend to perform better than other sectors. Findings were discussed and relevant recommendations were made for further studies.
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