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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: Available
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the study

In every society wherever government, government institutions and politics exist, there is bound to be regime change. Thus the phenomenon of regime change is not a new development in nations of the world. The level of development and underdevelopment has always been the factor of changes of leadership. It is also not predicated on the nature of ideology a nation adopts; rather, it evolves from certain natural or artificial events in a nation. In the literature, the political philosophers believed that monarchical system of government has the longest tenure and also the best (Banfield, 1958; Hadenius & Teorell;, 2006). Local government as a tier of government has generated exciting debates among scholars in the academic world, practitioners and politicians alike. It has attracted the attention of various scholars across the globe, thereby resulting in various conceptualizations by different scholars. The need to conceptualize what local government is arising because it is the unit of analysis in this study, and different meanings/names are being used in different countries in referring to local government as a tier of government. Local government as a concept that refers to people at the grassroots is as old as the human race itself. Its concept can be traced to when humans lived in communal and feudal settlements. The history of local government administration in Nigeria predicts its existence as an entity and can be traced to the pre-colonial era. Agagu (2011:72) posited that: Local government administration has undergone a very long and tortuous journey in Nigeriafrom the diversities of the pre-colonial era, through the lugard's experiment and the travails of the military adventurists and the military guided democracy. The local government in Nigeria has developed its peculiarities and forms. Any meaningful attempt to thoroughly study local government in Nigeria will amount to studying the government and politics in Nigeria. Local government administration has passed through torturous phases of development in the country, from pre-colonial settlements, colonial rule, independence local council administration, military rule, the 1976 local government reform to the fourth republic. Since independence, several governments have made attempts to ensure that the local government is the closest to the people, engineers the drive for development through democratic participation and efficient service delivery (see Etebom, 2019, Adeyeye, 2016, Agagu, 2011, Gboyaga, 2003). However, there is little or nothing to show for these efforts at the grassroots level in the country. There is no uniform structure and administration local government system in the country despite its constitutional provision (Etebom, 2019, Agagu, 2011). The development of local government administration in Nigeria took a new turn since the return of the country to democracy on May 29, 1999, after long years of military rule. The hope of Nigerians was high that expectedly, democratic government would lead to good governance viz-a-viz enthronement of due process, constitutionality, respect for the rule of law, transparency, accountability and, free and fair elections. However, the reverse is the case, especially at the local government levels, which has made genuine democracy elude the grassroots in Nigeria. The consequences are a lack of meaningful socio-economic development at the local level, which should typically provide a solid foundation for the nation's infrastructural development and security (Aluko, 2010). Therefore, the study examines Implications of regime change on local government area development a case study of tangaza lga sokoto state.

Statement of the problem

The local government administration in Nigeria has witnessed several political, administrative, structural, and financial reforms since colonial era till date for effective democratic governance and political participation of the rural people in the democratic activities of the area. Wilson (2011) adds that the zeal for democratic governance at the grass root informed the establishment of local government as a democratic institution and framework for the governance of the rural people. However, it appears the reforms are not giving the local governments the desired capability as a democratic institution to achieve effective democratic governance and participation of the rural people in the politics of the area. In view of the above, the study tends toexamine the Implications of regime change on local government area development a case study of tangaza lga sokoto state.

​​​​​​​Objective of the study

The broad objective of the study is to examine implications of regime change on local government area development a case study of tangaza lga sokoto state. The specific objectives is as follows:

  1. To find out  whether regime change influences leadership change in the local government.

  2. To find out whether regime change affects the funding of the local government.

  3. To assess whether regime change hampers the rapid development of local government area.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Research Questions

The following questions have been prepared for the study:

  1. Does  regime change influences leadership change in the local government?

  2. Does  regime change affects the funding of the local government?

  3. Does  regime change hampers the rapid development of local government area?

​​​​​​​Research hypotheses

H0:  Regime change does not influences leadership change in the local government

HA:  Regime change influences leadership change in the local government

​​​​​​​Significance of the study

For the government (Federal and State) Local Government is known to be the government at the grass root. Which is designed to serve as an instrument of national or state government for the performance of certain basic services which could be administered locally on the intimate knowledge of the needs, condition and peculiarities of the areas concerned so as to carryout community development project efficiently and effectively. 

1.7 Scope of the study

The study will find out  whether regime change influences leadership change in the local government. The study will also find out whether regime change affects the funding of the local government. Finally, the study will assess whether regime change hampers the rapid development of local government area. Hence, the study is delimited to Tangaza local government area Sokoto State.

1.8 Limitation of the study

Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so, the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

1.9 Definition of terms

Regime change: the partly forcible or coercive replacement of one government regime with another. Regime change may replace all or part of the state's most critical leadership system, administrative apparatus, or bureaucracy

Development : a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components

Local government area: an administrative division of a country that a local government is responsible for. The size of an LGA varies by country but it is generally a subdivision of a state, province, division, or territory.

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