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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: Available
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 3000



​​​​​​​Background of the study

With the advancement of civilization, social media has gained more importance in people's daily lives, impacting their overall life satisfaction, social trust, and emotions (Clement, 2019). The rapid and exponential expansion of social media has given rise to a new social environment. The modes of communication have evolved from conventional in-person conversations, written correspondence, and other tangible mediums to the domain of virtual space. Social media has become an essential component of human life, mostly owing to advancements in electronic technology inside social and communication platforms. It allows people to form and maintain relationships with both nearby and faraway friends (Nicole & Boyd, 2017). An interpersonal relationship is a lasting connection between two or more persons. Social media has become a crucial element of modern life in the 21st century and is often seen as a significant catalyst for internet use, particularly among the younger demographic (Niazi, 2015).

Before the advent of contemporary communication technology, family members depended on several techniques to communicate and maintain links with one other. Two often used methods were direct interpersonal contact and written correspondence. Face-to-face communication is a conventional kind of connection that involves direct and in-person encounters among family members (Uzuegbunam, 2015). This mode of communication facilitated the transmission of both spoken and non-spoken signals, so fostering a feeling of intimacy and shared comprehension within the household setting. When telephones were not commonly used, families often relied on printed letters and correspondence as a means of facilitating contact. Families used various forms of written communication, including as handwritten letters and postcards, to send news, updates, and feelings with distant relatives. This allowed them to preserve a sense of connection while being physically separated from each other (Ekeanyanwu, 2015).

Written letters had the dual purpose of sustaining family bonds and functioning as a method of record-keeping. Letters and communication serve as physical and enduring records of family history, preserving significant milestones, events, and personal experiences. These written correspondences typically include an emotional significance, safeguarded as treasured keepsakes that may be reread by future generations (Hossain, 2018). The act of writing and receiving letters also cultivated a feeling of expectation and enthusiasm. The act of eagerly awaiting a response and the exhilaration of getting a letter from a cherished individual enhanced the sensation of anticipation and enriched the bond among family members. The medium facilitated the transmission of elaborate and contemplative correspondence, as people dedicated time and effort to meticulously compose their letters (Niazi, 2015). In addition, writing a letter allowed family members to contemplate their ideas and feelings before expressing them, leading to a more intentional and thoughtful mode of communication. The use of this method promoted profound self-reflection and facilitated the articulation of intricate emotions that could have been difficult to communicate face-to-face (Omid, Alesheikh & Sharif, 2017).

The importance of these traditional communication techniques should not be overlooked, as they have significantly impacted the development of familial relationships and the construction of linkages among relatives. They have successfully enabled the exchange of information, provision of emotional assistance, and the conservation of family traditions and values. Although current communication technologies have had a significant influence on family dynamics, conventional approaches still have great significance in understanding how family interactions and communication norms have evolved (Omid, Alesheikh & Sharif, 2017).
In the contemporary age of technological progress, the nature of family ties and the ways in which we form bonds with our loved ones have undergone a substantial transformation. Social networking platforms, messaging software, and video conversations have become essential elements of our daily routines, allowing us to stay connected with family members who may be geographically separated (Uzuegbunam, 2015). However, the fundamental nature of family relationships is rooted in the level of interpersonal connections and the ability to successfully communicate and provide assistance to each other, regardless of the method used (Omid, Alesheikh & Sharif, 2017).
Without a doubt, the emergence of social media and technology has caused changes in the way families communicate. It is important to recognize that these changes may have both beneficial and detrimental effects. The simplicity and accessibility of virtual communication have enabled families to remain connected, share information, and celebrate important milestones together (Omid, Alesheikh & Sharif, 2017). The advancement of technology has eliminated the obstacle of geographical distance, allowing us to interact with our family members in real-time, regardless of where they are located.
However, the dependence on digital communication may sometimes result in a feeling of disconnection and shallowness in family connections. The convenience of sending a brief message or expressing approval for a post on social media may provide the impression of being connected, but it often lacks the profoundness and closeness that in-person encounters offer. The subtleties of nonverbal communication, such as body language, vocal intonation, and tactile contact, are absent in the digital domain, posing a difficulty in attaining a genuine comprehension and empathy towards each other (Uzuegbunam, 2015). Furthermore, the ubiquitous nature of technology in our daily lives may also result in a merging of professional and personal boundaries, making it difficult to completely detach and provide meaningful time to our families. The allure of incessantly checking our mobile devices or promptly responding to work-related communications may impede authentic involvement and impede the cultivation of profound relationships.
To preserve the genuineness and resilience of family relationships in the era of technology, it is crucial to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between online and face-to-face encounters. Although technology may serve as a vital means of maintaining connections, it should not supplant the significance of dedicating quality time to one another and participating in meaningful dialogues (Uzuegbunam, 2015). Deliberately prioritizing in-person contacts, such as via frequent family reunions or organized trips, may actively promote a feeling of intimacy and enhance the emotional connections within a family (Clement, 2019). Moreover, it is important to be aware of the possible drawbacks of over dependence on technology and social media. Establishing limits and defined periods or areas free from technology may facilitate true bonding and provide uninterrupted, high-quality time with family and friends (Uzuegbunam, 2015). Promoting transparent and sincere communication within the family, where members feel at ease expressing their wants and concerns, may help enhance a healthier and more satisfying familial dynamic. Furthermore, proficient communication is essential for sustaining strong familial connections, irrespective of the chosen mode of contact. Engaging in active listening, demonstrating empathy, and offering support are crucial when communicating with our loved ones, whether it be via a sincere conversation or a brief text message. Effective communication and mutual comprehension of needs and emotions are the key factors that really enhance familial connections (Clement, 2019).
Ultimately, the digital progress of our day has undeniably altered the nature of family ties. However, it is crucial to recognize that the fundamental substance of these connections rests in the caliber of human interactions and efficient communication (Clement, 2019). To maintain the authenticity and depth of their connections, families may navigate the digital world by finding a middle ground between virtual and in-person contacts, establishing limits, and promoting honest communication. Rather than seeing the advancement of social media and technology as a danger to family ties, it could be seen as a chance to improve and strengthen them (Clement, 2019). These instruments may facilitate connection, facilitate the sharing of experiences, and cultivate a feeling of belonging within the family unit. To maintain the flourishing of our family ties in the current world, we must use technology while simultaneously giving importance to in-person contacts and efficient communication. Therefore, the researcher sought to assess social media and family relations in Ibadan

1.2 Statement of the problem

Social media encompasses a set of internet-based platforms that are constructed based on the technological and ideological ideas of web 2.0. These platforms enable users to generate and alter content. According to Elhai et al (2016), social media is a comprehensive phrase that encompasses technologies which enable the production, sharing, networking, and interpersonal interactions of material. In his research, Clement (2019) found three main constituents of social media: The components of the media ecosystem may be categorized into three main aspects: (1) the technological infrastructure and tools used for the production and dissemination of material, (2) the actual content including thoughts, ideas, messages, information, and news, and (3) the individuals, organizations, and industries that consume and interpret this content.
Social media functions as a medium for people to interact with society and establish interpersonal relationships (Nicole & Boyd, 2017). Social media enables interpersonal relationships and shapes global social behaviors by providing users with the opportunity to engage with others. The authors referenced are Muinde (2015) and Rajeev & Jobilal (2015).
Family communication is not a haphazard event, but rather a purposeful process in which people assume and negotiate social roles throughout their interactions. These responsibilities or obligations are deliberately or inadvertently agreed upon. The responsibilities of the speaker and the listener are crucial in the communication process. Family bonds are established via both written and spoken communication (Haruna & Danladi, 2017).
Family members are drawn to social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, because of their extensive use and ability to communicate with others. Although they have a positive impact on families, it is crucial to acknowledge the negative consequences they have on the general growth of people and their relationships inside and beyond the family (Haruna & Danladi, 2017). This phenomena has a substantial influence on the lifestyle of family members, as it cultivates a feeling of societal distrust.  Hence, the study assess social media and family relations in Ibadan.

1.3 Objective of the study

Generally, the study examines social media and family relations in Ibadan.  The specific objectives is as follows

  1. To explore the extent of social media usage within families.
  2. To identify the effects of social media on communication patterns within families.
  3. To identify the positive impacts of social media usage on family dynamics.
  4. To identify the negative impacts of social media usage on family dynamics.

1.4 Research Questions

The following questions have been prepared to guide the study

  1. How does social media use affect family communication patterns in Ibadan, Nigeria?
  2. What is the role of social media in building and maintaining family relationships in Ibadan, Nigeria?
  3. What are the potential negative impacts of social media on family dynamics in Ibadan, Nigeria?
  4. What are the perceptions of parents and children regarding the use of social media in family communication in Ibadan, Nigeria?
  5. What are the best practices for promoting responsible social media use within the family context in Ibadan, Nigeria?

1.5 Research hypotheses

The hypotheses have been prepared t further guide the study

H0: Social media does not have an impact on family relations in Ibadan

Ha: Social media have an impact on family relations in Ibadan

1.6 Significance of the study

The significance of studying the impact of social media on family relationships in Ibadan, Nigeria lies in the need to understand how technological advancements are shaping and influencing traditional family dynamics. The findings from this research can offer valuable insights into the specific ways social media is affecting family communication patterns, the role of social media in building and maintaining family relationships, and the potential negative impacts of social media on family dynamics. By focusing on the local context of Ibadan, the study can provide culturally relevant information that can be used to develop targeted interventions and strategies to promote healthy family communication and relationships in the digital age.

Furthermore, the study's results can inform policymakers, educators, and parents about the specific challenges and opportunities related to social media use within the family context in Ibadan. This knowledge can be used to develop evidence-based guidelines and educational programs to support families in navigating the impact of social media on their relationships. Additionally, the research can contribute to the existing body of literature on social media and family dynamics, particularly within the African context, filling a gap in the current knowledge base.

1.7 Scope of the study

The study focuses on social media and family relations in Ibadan. Hence, the study will  explore the extent of social media usage within families, identify the effects of social media on communication patterns within families, identify the positive impacts of social media usage on family dynamics and identify the negative impacts of social media usage on family dynamics. Therefore, the study is delimited to Ibadan.

1.8 Limitation of the study

Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. The significant constraint are:

Time: The researcher encountered time constraint as the researcher had to carry out this research along side other academic activities such as attending lectures and other educational activities required of her.

Finance: The researcher incurred more financial expenses in carrying out this study such as typesetting, printing, sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and in the data collection process.

Availability of Materials: The researcher encountered challenges in sourcing for literature in this study. The scarcity of literature on the subject due to the nature of the discourse was a limitation to this study.

1.9   Justification of the study

The incorporation of social media into everyday life has revolutionized communication patterns and interpersonal dynamics on a worldwide scale. Nigeria, particularly Ibadan, the most populous city in West Africa, has not been exempt from this occurrence. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter are becoming essential components of the daily routines of several people and families in Ibadan.
Ibadan, being a prominent cultural center in Nigeria, offers an exceptional environment for examining the convergence of social media and family dynamics. In Nigeria, the conventional family structure places great importance on strong familial connections and community principles. Nevertheless, the emergence of social media has provided new methods of communication and engagement, which might possibly influence conventional family relations.

Gaining insight into the impact of social media on these conventional attitudes and behaviors is essential for understanding the cultural changes occurring in Ibadan. Nigeria has seen a significant surge in internet access and smartphone use, especially among young people. Consequently, social media platforms have become widespread means for communication and the spread of knowledge. The extensive utilization of social media prompts inquiries about its impact on household ties. An examination of the consequences of this phenomena in Ibadan may provide significant understanding into the changing dynamics of family life in urban Nigerian settings. Family relationships are crucial for the overall well-being and social unity of individuals. Nevertheless, the impact of social media on these connections continues to be a topic of contention.

Although social media may enable communication and promote ties within families, it can also give rise to problems such as digital distraction, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns, which have the potential to strain familial relationships. An investigation on the effects of social media use on family cohesiveness and emotional support networks in Ibadan is crucial for fostering positive family dynamics and overall well-being.

An in-depth understanding of the interaction between social media and family dynamics in Ibadan has significant practical consequences for policymakers, educators, and mental health practitioners. The findings from this study may provide valuable information for creating recommendations and programs that attempt to encourage responsible usage of social media among families. In addition, educators may use these discoveries to integrate digital literacy instruction into school curriculum, providing people and families with the essential abilities to navigate the digital environment proficiently.

1.10 Definition of terms

Social Media:  Platforms or applications that enable users to create, share, and consume content, fostering communication, community, and information exchange.  Online platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and local forums used by residents of Ibadan for social interaction, sharing news, family updates, and expressing opinions.

Family Relations:  Bonds and connections between individuals within a family unit, characterized by emotional ties, shared experiences, and mutual obligations.  Interactions, communication, and support networks within families residing in Ibadan, encompassing immediate family (parents, children, siblings), extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins), and chosen family (close friends).

Social Media Use:  The frequency, duration, and purpose of engaging with social media platforms. The number of times individuals in Ibadan families access social media, the length of time spent on each platform, and the specific activities they engage in (e.g., posting updates, commenting, messaging).

Family Communication:  The exchange of information, thoughts, and feelings between family members. The ways families in Ibadan communicate through social media, including direct messaging, group chats, video calls, sharing posts or articles, and commenting on each other's content.

Family Support:  Emotional, practical, and financial assistance provided within a family unit.  The ways families in Ibadan use social media to offer emotional support (e.g., words of encouragement, sharing prayers), provide practical help (e.g., organizing events, sharing resources), and offer financial assistance (e.g., fundraising campaigns).

Intergenerational Relationships:  Connections and interactions between individuals of different generations within a family. The ways grandparents, parents, and children in Ibadan families interact and connect through social media, including sharing updates about their lives, offering advice, and participating in online activities together.


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