53 | Student Researchers |
Secretaries can be founding many areas of employment such as government establishment, industries, commerce, charity organizations and are services of all these, it is perhaps industry which has most to gain by employing the best secretaries and most at l...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
Even though modern technology is regarded as important and of high value in ensuring quality work output in an office, as well as bringing about productivity. It is equally believed that these machines can cause job. Displacement. This is the fear that many employees suffer from when new machines are being purchased for use by their organization. The machines are cost effective. Some organizations do not really apply the use of some of th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
Human relations within an organization cease only on employee. This study was therefore conducted to find out the impact of information technology on secretarial profession in Nigeria. In analyzing the data, simple percentage were used.
The study reveals that modern machines would not cause job displacement of secretaries in organization’s today but enhance th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This study is on effect of inadequate educational facilities on the academic performance of secretarial students. The total population for the study is 200 staff of I.M.T, Enugu state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made senior lecturers, junior lecturers, graduate assistants and non teaching staff were used for the study....
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
Background of the Study
Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body (Hermann, 2002). They are one of the building block of the body tissue, and also serve as a fuel source. As a fuel, protein contain 4kcal (17kj) per gram, just like carbohydrates and unlike lipids, which contain 9kcal (37kj) per gram. The most important aspect and defining characteristics of protein from a nutritional stand point...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This topic is the role of and management with particular reference to the ministry of finance, Enugu.
To carry out this study effectively. Five research questions were formulated. Due to the descriptive survey nature of this work both primary and secondary sources of data collection used. Data were got from the eighteen (18) senior and forty-two (42) junior secretaries that were selected form seven departments of the ministry used for the data collected the studen...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
The study examined the effects of information technology on the performance of secretaries in the front office. Survey research design was adopted in the study in order to assess the opinions of the selected respondents with the use of 13 item questionnaire. Three research questions and hypothesis were raised to guide the study. Data obtained were analyzed using simple sample techniques, frequency and percentages while hypotheses were tested using Chi Squar...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
Record management is the making use, control and disposition of records. So that the system works efficiently and economically.
Business organizations, government ministry, educational institutions and social institutions depend upon records for their existence. There are several problems that stand in the way of achieving an efficient and effective records management in institution of higher learning.
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This seminar was carries out to find out effect of lack of adequate secretarial training facilities on the production of secretaries and it was written in five chapters. Chapter one introduced the topic with an overview of contemporary historical facts, about the effects of lack of adequate secretarial training facilities on the production of secretaries. It also features a statement of the problem, which discussed the effects of this lack satisfactorily. O...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
Human relations within an organization cease only on employee. This study was therefore conducted to find out the secretary and the effect of new office technologies on record keeping management in to some selected establishments in Enugu State. As a result of this, hypothesis were made such as; The available new office equipment is being put into effective use and that Job performance by...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This research work aims at finding out the problems inherent in the training and development of secretaries in a depressed economy.
The main purpose of this study is to survey these problems and find out management problems in the training and development of secretaries.
The background of the study was discussed in chapter one.
In the literature review the problems were outlined and discussed by many authors. The research instruments us...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
The secretary plays a very important role in the running of an organization. No matter how skillful and competent secretaries are the effectiveness of their functions largely depend on the availability of office technology. The study was carried out to examine Word-Processing and its impact on the secretary’s performance in some selected organizations. The objective of this study was focused on the impact and relevance of word processing in enhancing...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This study examined roles and performance efficiency and effectively of secretaries in modern communication industries in Enugu Urban.
People hold different opinions about the secretaries roles. they fail to understand that the secretary is an important officer in every communication industry and he...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This study examined career prospect of confidential secretary in a public establishment.
Questionnaires were administered to secretaries in the public sectors across the state. After the analysis, the researcher made some findings with respect to the sample population study was arrived at.Confidential secretaries are not allowed to make use of their initiatives in carrying out their duties.That secretaries are discriminated in terms of promotions.Th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
Communication is a discipline that embraces all aspect of human life. It informs all our actions and inaction in relations to others and it takes place all the time. It can manifest itself in symbolic, verbal and non-verbal forms we can communicate with all apart of our body, our posture, smile and even the dress we put on communicate one thing of the other.
Different scholars have defined the word communication var...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This research work was undertaken to find out the roles of data preservation in enhancing the efficiency of secretarial function in selected banks in Enugu Metropolis.In doing this, the researcher evaluated the various methods of data preservation their advantages and disadvantages and the functions of a secretary in an organization. The researcher collected data from primary and secondary source. Through the primary source of data questionnaire was used to...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
Office management has identifiedone of what companies require to dominate in an industry. Past studies have dealt with office management too broadly without considering specific aspects of office management which has led to a limited level of understanding on the extent to which the comprehensive nature of office management has influenced firms’ performance in decision making. The specific objectives of the study sought to determine the role of office...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
The secretary plays a very important role in the running of an organization. No matter how skillful and competent secretaries are the effectiveness of their functions largely depend on the availability of office technology. The study was carried out on the impact of modern office technology on the secretary’s performance in some selected organizations in Kaduna Metropolis. It was specifically to find out the availability of modern office technology/eq...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This research work the effect of secretarial manpower is divided into five chapters, each chapter dealing with a particular aspect of his research work. The overall aim of this study was to determine the effect of secretarial manpower in economic development. Federal Ministry of Education in Owerri was used for the research. Response to the administered questionnaires was analyzed and on the last chapter recommendation was made.&n...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
The research study investigated the role of secretaries in computerized offices, with particular reference to commercial banks in Enugu urban Afri-Bank Plc Enugu was mainly used for the study.The total population for the study is 200 staff of selected Afribank in Enugu State. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made up managers...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
The functions and effectiveness of the secretary in every business organization depends on the availability of office technologies as well as the skills and competencies of the secretary. Modern business organizations have come to appreciate the role and importance of the secretary as well as the need to providing the needed and necessary office machines and equipment for the efficacy of the secretarial functions. T...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This project is aimed at studying the attitude of secretaries towards the use of modern office machines.In the course of carrying out this project, the effect of these modern office machine on the productivity of secretaries was discussed.The research paper also focused on the uses and importance of these modern office machine.In order to arrive at a conclusive decision on the above objectives, literature were reviewed.The statistical tools used are simple average and perce...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This study was carried out on secretarial profession and public perception using staff of state secretariat Port-Harcourt, Rivers State. To carry out the study, 10 research questions were posed. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study was done in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State. The population of the study comprised of the staffs of state secretariat Port-Harcourt, Rivers State. The population size of the study was 80. The instrumen...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
This study assessed the problems and challenges of female secretaries and achievement of organization efficiency in Ijebu-Ode Local Government area. It employed descriptive approach of data gathering and analysis. Fifty (50) female secretaries were selected for the study. The non-parametric tool of chi-square was employed for the purpose of data analysis; three research hypotheses were tested in all.
Data analyzed revealed that female secret...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
53 | Student Researchers |
The purpose of this work was to find out the effects of stress on the secretary’s job performance. A questionnaire was drawn up with which data were collected. This was supplemented by observations. The respondents were in selected organizations in Enugu Urban. In all 61 questionnaires were distributed for the study. From the data collected and analyzed, it was discovered that secretaries face a lot of stressing situations in the course of doing their...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |