33 | Student Researchers |
This Research Work focused on the tense errors in the English essays of Secondary Schools Students. The research was conducted on essays written by thirty (30) Students of the above school. The analysis of the essays revealed the deficiencies of some of the Students in using English tense. In the use of the present tense, for instance, Students had more difficulties in the use of present tense compare to the use of other tense. It has also been observed tha...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Background of the study
The modern trend in education and the complex nature of learning and instruction have made the role of the teachers more challenging. This new role does not just involve the more transmission of information to students but it involves looking at the problems associated with learning and instruction. The National Policy on Education (NPE, 2004) in Nigeria emphasized that our children should be educated properly so that they can acquire skills...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers | Qualitative |
People have always known that gender and language use are connected. Women and men however, do not use completely different forms but different quantities or frequencies of form. Though both sexes use particular form, one sex shows greater preference for them than the other. Research shows that women tend to use more of standard forms than men do, while men use more of the vernacular forms than women do. Gender itself is an...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
This study was carried out to evaluate audio visual aids and ict: correlates of senior secondary school students academic performance in english language in Lagos state public schools. Specifically, the study aims to ascertain the effect of audio-visual aids and ict on students academic performance in english language in Lagos state public schools, determine the factors that militate against the use of audio-v...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers | Qualitative |
This long essay deals with the study of Morphology in Uneme. i.e the study of how words are formed in Uneme language.
The speakers of Uneme are found in Edo state. The language speakers can also be found in Okene area of Kogi State. The other names for the people are Uneme Ineme and Ileme.
According to the informant, it was believed that the name Uneme was derived from Oba Eweka’s first child who happened to be a female n...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
The thrust of this study is a sociolinguistic analysis of the gender on
language use. The method of investigation used for this study is
questionnaire and audio-recoding. This study has established the fact
that the differences between male and female in ways of interacting
often leads to wrong notions, meanings and interpretations given to
certain statements and gestures. It was also discovered that the
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Statement of the Problem
In this research, the idea of using three major translation styles to translate the proverbs and idioms in the novels without strict adherence to syntax and meaning was seen as a major concern by the researcher. In a given novel, for instance, some of the materials were translated using the metaphrase technique while some were done in either paraphrase or the imitation method. As a result, some of the translations are without clarity of meaning especially to...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Poetic discourse has always been considered an important aspect of discursive practices that presents a scholarly approach to creative uses of language. Poetic discourse is considered to be comprehensively language-dependent; it relies mainly on the rhetorical and pragmatic configuration of linguistic elements for effective communication. In the rhetorical communication of a poet’s message, metaphor is an important device that is deployed deliberately to enhance the p...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
The discourse of alienation, provoked by environmental despoliation due to the activities of multinational oil companies in the Niger Delta region, is aptly captured in literary works. Previous studies on literary texts about the Niger Delta crisis have identified the negative socio-economic and political impacts of oil exploitation as responsible for the ecoactivism in the Niger Delta, neglecting the role of alienation or erosion of self in the fueling of the crisis. This...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Ogodin‘omulunwa dance is performed among some Ogbaru Igbo of South Eastern Nigeria, especially among the tripartite brotherhood of Osomala, Odekpe and Okoh towns. Ogodi celebrates the lifetime of a deceased elderly woman of with surviving adult children. As a reward to the toils of maternity, it is a positive commentary on the level of social respect accorded the woman of Ogbaru extraction. Unfortunately, this dance faces a threat of extinction as a result of the ongo...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
Language, Stubbs (1989) opines, is a set of acceptable symbols and sounds written, signed or uttered to perform specific functions in society. In whatever form it takes, language has greatly helped human beings to meet different needs at all times. Very often, language is used to educate, inform, entertain, correct, influence, persuade, rebuke or pass down social values from one generation to another. In essence, utterances can be manipulated or deployed eith...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Since 1999, advertisements of telecommunications’ products in Nigeria seem to have had great impacts on society by inspiring the public to patronize their goods and services. On that ground scholars have attempted to analyse advertising texts and images. The focus of this research was the explication of a range of language choices as persuasive strategies that MTN® and etisalat® utilised to elicit consumers in order to purchase their products. The author selec...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
It has been observed that studies on insurgency in Nigeria have in the most parts been anchored on politics, law, economy, the environment or religion; highlighting the economic implications of pipeline vandalism in the Niger Delta and religious crises in the north. Quite a few others have taken into consideration the use of language and representations of the phenomenon focusing on labeling and ideological dimensions inherent in the News. Though insurgency and its media re...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Most previous studies on Chinua Achebe‟s novels have largely concentrated on thematic preoccupations, especially inter-cultural conflicts in Africa. Some of the works focus on ideology and meaning with emphasis on cultural nationalism. Nevertheless, they have not yet objectified the relationship between the ideological contents of Achebe‟s novels and the discourse patterns reflected in the novels. This study, therefore, critically investigates more of the ideologies and und...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
Attacks by terrorists have been reported the world over. In Nigeria, the Boko Haram terrorist organization first launched an uprising in 2009, leading to nearly a week of fighting that resulted in the death of about eight hundred (800) people. The group went dormant for more than a year before reemerging in 2010 with a series of assassinations. On August 25, 2011, the United Nations building in Abuja was bombed leaving over twenty seven (27) people dead and m...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
This work examines language use during the crises that erupted in Jos from 1994 to 2010. Generally speaking, language is at the centre of virtually every aspect of human life, and operates on different levels and in different forms, according to the context in which it is used. The aim of the study was to examine the several factors that have determined the linguistic choices of the parties to the Jos conflicts which are different from ordinary day-to-day conversations, and...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
The issue of gender inequality between sexes has remained a topic of serious debate in African literature. A significant percentage of research findings and writings in African literature identify male-induced oppression as central to the perpetuation of female subjugation, thereby down playing the fact that women are also oppressed by their fellow women. There are other forms of discrimination and violence by women against women that are hardly discussed. Tr...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
The thesis is a feminist stylistic study which used the works of Ifeoma Okoye as a case study for a reassessment of the feminist discourse. It aimed at examining and unravelling how Ifeoma Okoye deployed language and style in her works to establish a non- radical and non-rebellious feminist message which preached complementarity of the sexes. It could be said that radical feminism had yielded little dividends in Africa and this was not unconnected with the fact that female...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
8The interest of linguists in analysing conversational texts has gradually shifted from the traditional focus on the linguistic structure to investigating language use as a social phenomenon. The functional approach to language studies goes beyond the study of sentences in abstraction to describing the use of language in concrete situations. In other words, a study about a language is not just about the linguistic or formal studies of language but what...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
This study investigates the news reporting of 2015 General Elections in some Nigerian newspapers using the lexico-grammatical analysis paradigm of SFG. The print media is one of the major channels of information dissemination with a peculiar language use. The problem lies on the need of investigating the language of the print media to unveil the lexico-grammatical features that have made it effective for the audience to understand the information contents meaningfully.. Som...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
This project work is on political corruption and symbolism. This project work brings out the corrupt practices by politicians and military rulers. To also brings out the symbols used in the novels. Chapter one is an introduction on political corruption in Nigeria and the way the military took over and ruled Nigeria. Chapter two is on the related literature review, chapter three is on political corruption and symbolism in Adichie Chumamanda Ngozi Half of a yellow Sun. Chapte...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
Language is the main tool for constructing every literary work. The importance of language to human beings cannot be overemphasized. It is an important means of human communication that serves a wide variety of purposes. It is one of the factors that distinguish human beings from animals; the former communicate with language (verbal and non-verbal) and express thoughts, feelings and ideas in it. The primary purpose of language is communication and no human la...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
Rhetoric is the ancient art of argumentation and discourse from primordial Greece to the twentyfirst century. Rhetoric has been central to Western and African education, filling the need to train public speakers, orators and writers to move audiences to action with arguments. In Western perspective, the word ‗rhetoric‘ originated from the Greek word ‗rhetor‘ which means speaker and it is often seen as the art of public speaking. In Africa, from ti...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Life is a battle for struggle and survival. Struggle and survival are as old as man. Every second, man is on the move, thinking of what to do and how to do it in order to survive. This project, therefore, examines the ways the two novelists presented their characters in their attempts to depict the various methods people adopt in their struggles for survival in this hard and harsh environment. This work also explores the artistic features as were conveniently deployed in th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
33 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
The African continent is a society that has experienced patriarchy, colonialism and racial segregation and these reflect in African literature. The intrusion of Europe into the African continent in the 19th century brought about the upturning of lives and activities of Africans. The colonizers trampled upon Africa and her people. The people‟s way of life was distorted, almost abolished because of the claims of the colonial masters that it was barbaric. Accord...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |