32 | Student Researchers |
Environmental pollution due to improperly managed wastewater has been a major challenge and of public health concern in Nigeria. Not many studies related to wastewater management have been carried out in Nigeria, hence the paucity of data on wastewater management in the country. The Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTP) in Nigeria’s capital city, Abuja are presently performing below capacity due to several problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the wastewater man...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Power consumption is a key consideration in every Wireless Local Area Network Medium Access Control (WLAN MAC) algorithm design for wireless devices and extending battery life requires more efficient power management scheme considering that carrier sensing by WLAN modules, false wake-ups, collisions and number of contention rounds are major contributors to energy overhead. Researchers over the years have proposed and implemented various schemes using a low power wakeup radi...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Research trends in the construction industry is toward the application of nano materials in mortar/concrete which could act as set accelerator due to the ultrafine nature of silica nano_particles (SNPs). The study is aimed at investigating the effect of SNPs on the performance of Sorghum Husk Ash (SHA) and Calcium Carbide Waste (CCW) binder based mortar with a view to establishing its suitability. SHA was an incinerated ash from agro-by-product of sorghum husk with major co...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Distribution of Water has been a major source of concern all over the world. Despite the fact that water is a scarce commodity, a lot of human activities in terms of poor management such as opening taps when not needed and careless attitudes towards broken pipes contribute to poor distribution. Furthermore, the supply of the commodity at constant pressure to areas when not needed contributes to little or no supply to where it is needed. This is because; a lot is wasted with...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The issue of inadequate geotechnical investigation usually leads to over or under design of structural elements which eventually contributes immensely to project cost overrun and poor performance. This research aims to assess the impact of inadequate geotechnical investigation on construction projects‟ performance which was achieved through the research objectives. The objectives were to examine the difference in awareness level among clients, contractors, and consultants a...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Office table and chairs usually come in set of three, and are designed to fit one into another for convenient storage. Furniture of this soot should be of the highest quality, attractive in design and capable of standing up to many years in use.
The cost of the wood and the amount of time spent on this project may restrict you to making one table only and the chairs. The design chiefly makes use of curved lines for the legs, the base and the lower ba...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The study was conducted on communities along Lamurde floodplain between Latitude 8˚52’0” and 8˚56’6” and Longitude11˚19’0” and 11˚22’8”. The study areaoverlain the shallow well fieldswhere public water supply system and main private water vending were extracted to service the entire Jalingo city. Sample points were selected among the few available functional water points during the month of April when dry season was at its pea...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
A method of preparing cast aluminium alloy – graphite particulate composite using uncoated graphite with the addition of 1wt% magnesium to aid wettability was studied. The method consists of introducing and dispersing uncoated but pre-treated graphite particles in aluminium alloy melt and casting the resulting composite melts in suitable moulds. The graphite was pre-heated to 400oC in air for 2 hours just prior to dispersion in the melts. Al-5%Cu and 1%Mg by weight wi...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The methodology of the experiment involves three main stages. The first part describes the synthesis of the PF (novolac) resins. Novolac (resins) were prepared with an excess of phenol over formaldehyde under acidic conditions. PF molar ratio were varied from 1P:2F to 1P:8F. The structure of the PF was determined using FT-IR techniques. The preparation and characterization was reported. The physicochemical properties tests carried out on the (novolac) resins include pH, vis...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The suitability of hardwood charcoal and snail shell particles for carburizing mild steel was investigated. All the mild steel specimens were carburized at constant temperature of 920°C from one (1) to five (5) hours at intervals of one hour. The mild steel specimen in the as-received and carburized conditions were all prepared for the following tests: hardness, impact and microstructure examination. The outcome of the test shows that the as-received specimen has the le...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
This research was carried out to ascertain the suitability of Osara and Jamata River sand for moulding operation and Ajaokuta Foundry Sand was also tested along with the two sands under the same condition and their moulding properties were compared with that of American Foundrymens’ Society (AFS) Standard. The Jamata River sand sample was collected from the River Niger flowing under the Murtala Bridge along Lokoja to Abuja road at a village called Jamata in Kogi State...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Spent primary batteries are known to contain metallic compounds that could be of value if recycled as well as harmful to man and the environment if not properly disposed. Also, the recovery of these value metals from the used batteries can reduce limited natural resource (ore) depletion. This research was carried out to investigate the recovery potential of Zinc and Manganese from spent zinc-carbon battery paste. Spent battery samples were collected around Samaru area of Sa...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
This study is a study to evaluate and compare the hydraulic performance of plastic and iron mini sprinkler system using 8mm and 14mm diameter nozzle sizes. The study was carried out at a farm land of the national water resources institute, Mando, Kaduna. In this study, meteorological data such as rainfall, evaporation, relative humidity, wind speed/ direction, maximum and minimum temperature were first taken into consideration, soil, sample test were investigated for their...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Queuing theory as a tool for optimising patients flow and resources utilisation in the female section of the OPD at Yusuf Dantsoho memorial hospital Kaduna, the study was conducted for a period of 5 days. Simple queuing theory calculations were done using the data collected in the evaluation of the performance characteristics of the system, i.e. the average utilisation of the servers, the probability that the system would be idle, the average number of patients in the queue...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The water in River Kaduna is used for; domestic purposes, fishing, recreational activities as well as irrigation of crops.However, literatures have revealed that there are lots of anthropogenic activities occurring within the middle stretch of the river that could likely deteriorate its water quality as it flows through the Kaduna city metropolis. Hence, this research was targeted at evaluating the water quality of the middle stretch of River Kaduna with respect to seasonal...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
This study focused on water allocation for different purposes in Tiga dam, using WEAP model to carry out analysis of the hydrological and meteorological information of the study area, with a view to settling the conflict between water allocation of Kano City and major irrigation project. The research commenced with a preliminary site investigation through reconnaissance survey to analyzeactivities related to water resources in the basin. Meteorological and hydrological data...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Records of flooding are increasing due to heavy storm which tend to filled most of the water bodies, thereby overflowing onto the land, causing damages and endangering the lives people. Flood also occur due to other factors such dam break, overflowing rivers etc. Most of this event occur with inadequate capacity of reservoirs, channels, drainages etc to store or convey the water appropriately Sediments transport due to heavy rain also contributed so much in reducing the cap...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The influence of tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process parameters on the microstructural features and mechanical properties (hardness and tensile strength) of AISI430 ferritic stainless steel (FSS) weldsbased on the central composite design (CCD) approach, was investigated. The process parameters considered in this study include; the welding current (I), welding speed (S) and argon flow rate (AFR). The stainless steel AISI 430 FSS plates having chromium content of 17% Cr...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Geographical Information System (GIS) based hydrological modelling was applied to Hadejia River Sub-basin- an integral of the Chad Basin in the Northern Nigeria- to determine the impacts of land use/cover dynamics on the hydrological regime of the sub-basin under the changing climate factors. The study enhanced solution with dx understanding to the complex problems in the sub-basin, with large quantities of data associated with wate...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The aim of this study was to carry out a flood risk assessment for Ofu River Catchment in Nigeria. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission Digital Elevation Model (SRTM DEM) and River Map of Africa were used to delineate the catchment boundaries in ArcGIS 10.2.2 coupled with ArcHydro and HEC-GeoHMS extensions while the stream ordering was done using the spatial analyst hydrology tool in ArcGIS 10.2.2. Stage and discharge measured from February, 2016 to January, 2017 were used to...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The field experiment was conducted during the 2011 dry season at the Irrigation Research Fields of the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Samaru, Nigeria, to evaluate yield and soil water balance of two cowpea varieties under deficit irrigation and mulch using locally assembled weighing- type micro lysimeter. The treatments comprised of three levels of irrigation water application depths (50%, 75% and 100% of weekly reference evapotranspiration (WRETo)) and two leve...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The service conditions of many moving steel components require it to possess both hard and wear resistant surfaces witha tough and shock resistant cores. To achieve this, the suitability of pulverized coconut shell charcoal and periwinkle shell for carburizing 0.08%C mild steel was investigated in order to evaluate the carburizing parameters of the mild steel. The carburizing parameters evaluated were temperature, time and materials (ratio 75wt% pulverized coconut shell cha...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The major problems of most wireless technologies such as EDGE, HSPA, WiMax, HSPA+, WiFi G, WiFi and LTE are the imbalance of radio resources allocation as well as unfairness and difficulty to achieve unity index. These result in overstressing the networks while leaving some idle. This imbalance of resources amongst the networks brings about poor quality of service. Most researchers including Donoso et al (2014) tried to resolve the problem using different techniques such as...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
It has being observed over time that there are problems associated with the quality of designs and execution of jobs within the Building Services Sector of the Engineering Industry. The sector is an important aspect of Engineering Practice in Nigeria and its performance can only be measured by the quality of its output which include good engineering designs and proper execution of projects. Hence, the focus of this research work is to investigate o n effective training as a...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
32 | Student Researchers |
The study was conducted during the dry season in 2016 at the Irrigation Research farm of Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru, Zaria, to determine the effect of deficit irrigation and mulch on yield and water use of Cucumber crop. The experiment consisted of four levels of moisture depletion at 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% (I100, I75, I50, and I25) of irrigation water application depths and three mulch types Rice straw mulch; Black polythene mulch, and No mulch (RSM, BPM, a...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |