31 | Student Researchers |
Background of the Study
In view of persistent and wide forms of risks facing their means of living farming households pursue several traditional means of overcoming these risks. For example, to reduce exposure to potential losses, farmers often spread their bets by growing a mix of crops and crop varieties, stagger crop planting dates, and spread crops amongst fields that have different risk exposures in the landscape. These techniques can help redu...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
Prior to the discovery of petroleum and its commercial mining in Nigeria, Nigeria was essentially an agricultural society. Agriculture dominated not only government revenue and export earnings, but was also the major employer if labour. Its contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) in 1970 stood at 78% while over 60% of the total workforce was actively engaged in the sector. Given that agriculture was the major component of Niger...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This study examined the impact of agricultural export on performance of Nigeria economy over a 41-year period from 1970 to 2010. Specifically, the study aim to examine specific policies and programmes initiated by the government to promote the exportation of agricultural crops or commodities, ascertain the functional relationship between agricultural exports and economic growth in Nigeria, examine factors inhibiting a substantial improvement in the exportat...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
Poverty and income inequality are huge development challenges in Nigeria. Over half of the population are living below the poverty line, which is further accentuated by highly skewed incomes. While it is widely held that the poor are more vulnerable to economic shocks, empirical information regarding the degree to which these shocks affect them is desired to ameliorate the problem. Hence, the impact of some macroeconomic shocks on poverty and income inequality in Nigeria wa...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This study assessed involvement of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in cultured fish value chain in Niger State, Nigeria. Fish provides a rich source of protein for human consumption. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of the SMEs, examine the various SMEs in cultured fish value chain, determine the income disparities between the SMEs along the cultured fish value chain, evaluate the factors influencing the profit of SMEs i...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
The study assessed the effects of cooperative societies on women involvement in groundnut processing in Agricultural Zone I of Niger State, Nigeria using a sample of 205 groundnut processors randomly selected using Taro Yamane formula at 5% error tolerance and 95% level of confidence from the study area. Specifically, the study described the socioeconomic characteristics of respondents, assessed their level of involvement in cooperative activities, determined their outputs...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
The agricultural sector, as importance as it is exposed to extremely high degree of disk arising out of natural factors like weather conditions. Uncertainties, regarding the quality and quality of the crop/livestock output due to natural hazards, are one of the basic risks that are constantly faced by every farmer. But majority of farmers are subsistence in natures and are seldom able to bear such risk especially when large loss involved. The informat...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
The paper presents an economic analysis of fluted pumpkin production (Telfaria occidentalis Hook F. Cucurbitaceae) production in Ukwuani local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Primary data were obtained from questionnaire administered to 140 fluted pumpkin farmers drawn using systematic sampling techniques from the study area. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, marginal value productivity, mul...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This study is on value addition as a basis for enhancing productivity in rice production and processing. The total population for the study is 200 staff of selected rice farms in Enugu state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made agronomists, soil scientists, supervisors and farmers were used for the study. The data co...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This work is focused on finding the impact of conflict on agricultural output in Guma Local Government Area of Benue State. The study reviewed literature that relates to the concept under study, its effect and solutions. The study also reviews three theories: Functionalism, Marxism and Human need theory. But only human need theory propounded by John Burton were used to back up the study. The findings in this work are gotten by administering questionnair...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
The impact of agricultural marketing cooperative on sales promotion cannot be overemphasized. This has prompt the researcher to carryout a research work on the subject matter, the research started by introducing the subject matter in chapter one, background of the study, objectives of the study, research question, statement of the problem the significance of the study was also highlighted in this chapter. The researcher reviewed the work of different author...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This study examined the profitability and efficiency of catfish production in Kuje Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Purposive random sampling technique was used to sample 60 catfish farmers from whom the primary data used were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, net farm income and stochastic frontier production function. The study revealed th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This study was carried out on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among staff of agricultural institutions using selected agricultural institution in Ibadan Municipal Area, Oyo State, Nigeria as case study. To achieve this, 7 significant research objectives were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprise of agricultura...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
The ever determining food production in Nigeria has prompted development or administration (military and civilian) both present and past to formulate programmed to ameliorate or arrest this situation. One of such programmed is the agricultural credit facilities scheme, which is being implemented through commercial banks. Sequel to this the researcher examined the problems of obtaining loan for financing agricultural production in Edo State.
...APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
Agriculture is a science or practice of cultivating the land the keeping or breeding animal for food and for the promotion of the countries economy.
The importance of improving Agricultural production through Co-operative Society especially in Anambra State, is their source of earning food and money for their survival, both man and animal around. It is also provision of raw materials for the Agro-based Industries, whic...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
The majority of agricultural producers in Nigeria still use the traditional approach in crop production with technological change very slow and minimal. In view of this, Agricultural Extension Services have been adopted by the government as a major agricultural transformation strategy. Nevertheless, the expected impact from the intervention has not been realized due to inadequate funding, lack of logistics, insufficient Field Staffs and non-participatory modes of technolo...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This research work investigates the Roles of Agricultural sectors on Economic Growth and Development in Nigeria. The research work analyses and describes the past methods of agricultural development In Nigeria and this helps to know the current dispensation and the possible direction that could be followed in the future. From the finding of this research work, it was observed that if the sector is well funded, it will provide the needed raw materials for th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
Soil loss is as a result of detachment and transportation of soil particles from one place to another due to rainfall. The rate of soil erosion has been of great concern to the government and people of Imo state as regards to farm land and environmental degradation. This work analyzed the soil samples collected from two erosion sites namely, nNkede and Akaokwa all in Imo State and the soil loss for the samples which is the mainstay of this project was dete...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
The issue of small and medium scale industries dates back to when people started producing more products than they needed. As the need for industrialization and self employment starts arising in Nigeria as a result of the federal Government inability to provide employment for the teeming population the need for private individuals to establish self owned small and medium scale industries also arose. In this vein, people started raising thei...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
Thestudyinvestigatesrelativeimpactoffinancialsectorreformsonagriculturalandmanufacturing sector growth in Nigeria. To guide the study, Ordinary Least Square techniquewas adopted and Eviews 8.0 econometric software was utilized for the analysis. A time seriesquarterly data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin 2009 and 2013and itcovered the period 1970-2013 was used for the analysis. After carrying out necessary pre- andpost diagnostic test, the res...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This work covers the growth and poverty reduction: the role of agriculture, a case study of Gboko local government area in Benue state, Nigeria. On the course of this work three research questions and objectives were formulated and the descriptive/survey research design were used in this study. Agriculture is a key part of DFID’s efforts to reduce global poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. It extends into many other areas of developm...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
Nigeria as nation has over the years engaged in lots of developmental activities without actions which makes achievements to elude the people. Development of societies doesn’t happen in the vacuum. Thus, the adoption of Structural Adjustment Program, SAP, by Nigeria leading to the neglect of the custom periodic National Plan at a time when Nigeria had no structure for development was the beginning of journey to widened inequality and large poverty in...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
Public spending on agriculture in Nigeria is exceedingly low. Less than 2 percent of total federal expenditure was allotted to agriculture during 2001 to 2005, far lower than spending in other key sectors such as education, health, and water. This spending contrasts dramatically with the sector’s importance in the Nigerian economy and the policy emphasis on diversifying away from oil, and falls well below the 10 percent goal set by African leaders...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This study assesses the impact of agricultural policies and development on economic growth in Nigeria. The data used in this study was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary method or sources of data collection included the use of a research instrument, (the questionnaire) and interview. Some research questions were asked as guide to the respondents in order to elicit first hand information on the subject matter. The questionnaire co...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
31 | Student Researchers |
This research work critically focused on the roles of government expenditure in the agricultural production in Nigeria for the period 1970 to 2010. Data on relevant variables were collected from the statistics Bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria. A functional relationship between Agricultural output and other explanatory variables, of which government expenditure is one, was specified and estimated using the OLS method and multiple regression analysis....
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |