22 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Breast cancer (Malignant breast neoplasm) is cancer originating from the tissue most commonly from the inner living of the milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. According to one of the breast cancer journals (www.webmd.com) the size, stage, rate of growth and other characteristics of the tumor determine the series of treatment. Treatment may include surgery, drugs, chromosomal therapy and (ra...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Breast cancer (Malignant breast neoplasm) is cancer originating from the tissue most commonly from the inner living of the milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. According to one of the breast cancer journals (www.webmd.com) the size, stage, rate of growth and other characteristics of the tumor determine the series of treatment. Treatment may include surgery, drugs, chromosomal therapy and (radiatio...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
The cam of this study was to examine the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. This study started with attempt to state the problem that motivated the study.
The study was done to access critically the impact of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and the effort toward reducing it. The method hypothesis was tested with use of kruskal wallis multiple comparism test, sign test and test for goodness of fit. In this test, the null hypothesis of th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
Measurement of levels of poverty is a powerful instrument for focusing the attention of policy makers on the living conditions of the poor. Previous studies on measurement of poverty in Nigeria have adopted two-third of mean per capita expenditure method for defining the poverty line. This has failed to capture the number of poor skewness in household expenditure data. Therefore, this study was designed to access the efficiency of Median Per Capita Expenditure (MPCE) method...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
General Introduction
Generally, time series is defined as a collection of observations made sequentially over time or data that are collected at regular interval of time. Although the ordering is usually through time, particularly in terms of some equally spaced time intervals, the ordering may also be taken through other dimensions such as space known as frequency domain. Time series occur in a variety of fields. These observations are stochastic and are known to f...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
Motherless babies home refers to a place or a home whereby infant baby who has no female parent. While Orphan is one who loss both parents prematurely either through natural death or disaster.
Motherless is a situation whereby a baby or person lacks a female parent. Also motherless Babies home could define as an Institution where infant baby is kept whose mother is dead, abandoned or missing is received and look after them by a charitable orga...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This project has the aim of studying the uses of contraception drug among female student of faculty of science in Osun State Polytechnic, Iree. Students’ attitude towards contraception has being historically and culturally located and dependent on the prevailing cultural arrangement at that period. I collected data from 200 students who had been randomly selected from various Departments at the faculty of science at the polytechnic between
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
The research provides an appraisal of timely release of result and its effect on academic performance of student in business education a case study of Zuba College of education, Abuja. It appraises the nature of academic result and determines the importance of its timely release. It stresses the effect on student’s academic performance and as measure for corrective and early preparation of studies. The research is particularly impo...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
The menstrual cycle is affected by so many various factors e.g. stress and changes in diet and iron. Several other studies showed no significant changes in Hemoglobin Concentration and RBC Count during various phases of menstrual cycle, Twenty student with normal menstrual cycle where used as the study subject. The three phase of the uterine cycle was studied and the hematologic indices analysed. We tried to make a comparative analysis on Hemoglobinand Red Blo...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This study is on the statistical analysis of the expenditure and income of Nigeria in relation to poverty. The total population for the study is 200 staff of national bureau of statistics, Abuja. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made statisticians, administrative officers, accountants and junior staff was used for the...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
Public conveniences are crucial infrastructure necessary for social well-being and practical operation of a functioning city. The provision of public toilets has implications for public and individual health. This project discusses the problems of public conveniences in Urban centres using Nsukka urban centre as a reference. Data was collected through the instrumentality of three sets of structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were administered on gov...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This research work is concerned with the time series analysis on the rate of typhoid fever cases in Abia state from 2001-2010, with Abaia state university teaching hospital Aba as a case study. This survey was carried out using time series analysis to ascertain whether there is a significant increase in the seasonal variation in the reported cases of typhoid fever. Finally, following the inferences drawn from the data collected for the surv...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
The cam of this study was to examine the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. This study started with attempt to state the problem that motivated the study.
The study was done to access critically the impact of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and the effort toward reducing it. The method hypothesis was tested with use of kruskal wallis multiple comparism test, sign test and test for goodness of fit. In this test, the null hypothesis of th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
The entire project work/study talks about the full meaning of the STDS. The causes of the sexually transmitted diseases were found out to be virus and bacteria which can be transmitted from one person to another predominantly through sexual contact. The scope of the study was also special and federal medical center Umuahia (FMC) was used as a case study. One of the stu...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
The research work is undertaken on statistical Analysis of Accident in Nigeria having realized the alarming rate at which motorists and passenger involved in traffic accident. The total population for the study is 200 staff of federal road safety commission in Onitsha, Anambra State. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents mad...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 |
The menace of traffic congestion in Nigeria especially in major cities has been a cause of major concern, not only has it been an eye sore, it has equally been conduit for the breeding of criminal acts and vices in Nigerian major roads. This project analyzes the current Nigerian traffic situation alongside the prevailing crime rate in Nigeria with the aim of discovering if a relationship exists between crime rate and traffic congestio...
1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This project has the aim of studying the fertility and Death rate in Nigeria. The study employed the use of statistical methods like moving Average, least square and Demography analysis. The result of the analysis shows that there is relationship between fertility and mortality. It is also the predictive power of an increase. Therefore, it is recommended that government should provide more medical facilities for easy delivery.<...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This study is to carry out statistical analysis of infant mortality rate in Kogi state from the period of 2006 – 2015. And computation was made by using the analysis from infant death and life birth in General Hospital Okene, Local Government Area, Kogi State. The analysis made it possible to know that there is a perfect negative correlation between infant death and life birth respectively.
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This research work was aimed at carrying out statistical analysis of federal government’s revenue and expenditure 2003-2008. Secondary data was obtained from National Bureau of Statistics. The statistical package used is Mintab. The result of the analysis shows that there is positive and strong relationship between expenditure and revenue 0.938 and the regression equation is expenditure = 123 + 0.367 revenue. The regression equation shows that when th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This study examined the birth pattern in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) using the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH) as a case study. Twenty seven per cent of the new-borns were found to have a low birth weight. Low birth .weight babies were born more to the mothers with age below 20 years (30.8%)\as compared, to.women more than 20.years of age (25.3%). Neonates with a gestation penod of less than 37 weeks were more prone to low birth weight...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This research work is undertaken with a view of investigating the strategies for improving student’s academic performance in financial accounting in some secondary schools in Edo state. To enhance effectiveness of this work, literature on the cause of poor performance by various scholars, journals, articles and view of other writers were reviewed duly considered and used, questionnaires were also administered to students and staff in some selected sec...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
This study was carried out to examine the strategies for enhancing finanacial accountability in the local government system in Nigeria using Ikwo local government area, Ebonyi state as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at ascertaining the step taken, when inefficiency is dictated I the internal control system and to know the effect on accountability of the organization; To know whether there is a...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
In this study, our focus was to carryout a critical statistical study of the effects on the percentage of active components in multi active detergents (a case study of omo products, unilever plc.). The study adopted the survey research design and randomly enrolled participants in the study. A total of 80 responses were validated from the enrolled participants where all respondent are active workers in Unilever Nigeria plc in Lagos State.
...APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
Despite increasing numbers of students embarking on tertiary studies in Nigeria, the proportion of students completing a qualification is low compared to other OECD countries and Ministry of Education data shows that completion rates are low for students at Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) compared to other tertiary organisations within Nigeria. This dissertation examines the reasons why students at a polytechnic stay on or withdraw from their courses. A q...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
22 | Student Researchers |
Kerosene has been an important household fuel since the mid-19th century. In developed countries its use has greatly declined because of electrification. However, in developing countries, kerosene use for cooking and lighting remains widespread. This research work is focused statistical analysis on the consumption of kerosene (a case study of Nasarawa Local Government Area). The research work is divided into five chapters with chapter covering introduct...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |