12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The EndBadGovernance protests in Nigeria have garnered significant national and international attention due to their scale, intensity, and the socio-economic underpinnings driving them. These protests are a manifestation of widespread discontent with the state of governance in Nigeria, characterized by cor...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background of the Study
The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a separatist movement based in southeastern Nigeria. Established in 2012 by Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB has sought to revive the defunct Republic of Biafra, which declared independence from Nigeria in 1967, leading to a civil war that lasted until 1970 (Ezeani, 2018). IPOB's activities have had significant implications for the socio-political landscape of southeastern Nigeria, particularly...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background to the problem
Early years are the most crucial period for the development of the child and the home environment plays an essential role in the development of intellectual and social skills. Home is the first social context providing the base for children to understand the world. It is where learning begins. It is considered to be of paramount importance in intellectual and social skills development, especially in the first years of life when child...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
This study was carried out on the impact of workforce participation on divorce rate among women in Abakaliki town. Specifically, the study aimed to identify factors influencing women's decisions regarding workforce participation in Abakaliki Town, investigate the relationship between workforce participation and divorce rates among women in Abakaliki Town, and examine the strategies to curb divorce rate among Workforce Participation...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background of the study
Institutions of higher education remain priceless assets in human capital development. It is a sine quo non to attaining achieving national economic development. Today, there is global interest in measuring impact of tertiary institutions on host communities using cultural, political and socio- economic indicators. Nigeria...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
This study was carried out on The effect of abortion on adolescent using female undergraduate in University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State as a case study. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprise of female undergraduate in University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. In determining the sample size, the researcher purposefully selected 264 respondents an...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
This study was carried out to examine the cause of family disorganization and possibly solution in Bogoro local government area of Bauchi state. Specifically, the study find out the causes of family disorganization in Bogoro local government area of Bauchi state, examine the effects of family disorganization on the well being of family members in Bogoro local government area of Bauchi state...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background of the study
In most societies, marriage marks the point in a woman’s life when childbearing first becomes socially acceptable. Women who marry early will, on average, have longer exposure to pregnancy and a greater number of lifetime births. Marriage is a social activity entered into thro...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
This project work focused on the Relationship between drug abuse and the tone of discipline in Amaigbo of Imo State. In order to achieve an organized and peaceful school environment and maintain law and order in our society, the place of discipline among students in our secondary schools cannot be over emphasized. It is also necessary to direct students to exhibit acceptable attitude and behavior within and ou...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
This study examined knowledge and perception of divorce among christian faithful in ikwo local government area Ebonyi state Nigeria. Specifically, the study aimed to explore the impact of divorce on parent-child closeness among Christian faithful, investigate the views on marriage and divorce held by Christian faithful, and examine the role of Christianity in shaping perceptions and experiences related to divorce among Christian faithful.&n...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Background To The Study
Unemployment is a global phenomenon, but it is more prevalent in most developing countries of the world, with resultant social, economic, political and psychological consequences (Ayinde, 2008; Emeka, 2011). One of the pressing challenges facing the Sub - Saharan African economies today is the trend of unemployment that has been on over the years. Unemployment is one of the major challenges facing developed and so...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
This study was carried out on a mixed method of the opinions and practice of researchers in Enugu on the use of incentives to enhance research participation. Specifically, the study aimed to investigate researchers' perspectives on the use of incentives in research studies, identify the methods and strategies cu...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background to the study
Unsafe abortions refer to the termination of pregnancy performed by individuals who lack the requisite expertise or in settings with limited medical standards, or both. Abortion has been a prevalent practise throughout many civilizations worldwide, serving as a means to manage population growth and maintain social and economic stability (Ife, Ayodeji, & Richard, 2018). The prevalence of adolescent pregnancies resulting in...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
The study assessed the effect of Domestic violence on children mental and emotional development (A case study of Oke-Eri Community ljebu ode ogun). It is generally observed by the researcher that young children between ages one to ten years old fall victim of circumstances that happen among family members.Ten objectives and research questions were formulated which include, to ascertain the prevalence of...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background of the study
One of the most striking phenomena of recent times has been the extent to which women have increased their share of the labour force; the increasing participation of women in paid work has been driving employment trends and the gender gaps in labour force participation rates have been shrinking. Especially in the 1980s and early 1990s, labour force growth was substantially higher for women than for ...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
Nigeria experiences a significant brain drain in a variety of industries, especially in healthcare. The healthcare system in Nigeria desperately needs repair; this is no longer shocking news because it has been so obvious for a considerable amount of time that the input, process as well as outcome indicators are well below the set targets. It is terrible that the country is losing a significant portion of her highly skilled medical pro...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background of the study
Regional security groups have become increasingly significant in addressing the complex security challenges faced by various regions worldwide. In the context of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria, the role of such groups has been particularly crucial given the persistent threat posed by insurgent activities, particularly those of Boko Haram. Understanding the perceptions and attitudes of people towards these security groups is...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background of the Study
Banditry has indeed emerged as a significant security threat in various regions of Nigeria, notably impacting the socioeconomic fabric of local communities. The phenomenon, characterised by armed robbery, kidnapping, and rural violence, has indeed intensified over the past decade, particularly in the northern and central regions of the country (Abdulrahman, 2019). In Shiroro Local Government Area (LGA) of Niger State, the tow...
Available | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Background of the study
Acceptance and usage of family planning among married women in Nigeria has become a sensitive subject, since married women in Nigeria tend to have a large number of children, overlooking the relevance and benefits of family planning. Individuals and couples can use family planning to anticipate and achieve their desired number of children, as well as the spacing and timing of their births. It is accomplished by using contrace...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Marriage is a formal and legal union of a man and a woman by which they become husband and wife [Addis et al 1993]. Marriage is contracted to provide a socially approved sexual and economic union, as a way of establishing a family of procreation, companionship, mutual assistance, peace and social cohesion and also to enhance social status of the couple among others (joseph f 2003). marriage sustainability entails the sum...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Background of the study
A child is the wellspring of man's and his community's revitalization. The United Nations General Assembly unanimously enacted the Declaration on the Rights of the Child in 1959, stating that mankind owes the child the best that it has to offer and that every child is entitled to protection in the early years (adequate health care, food and social service and preparing for later years without respect to soci...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
In exchange for the employee's labor, the company pays the employee money. People are compensated for their abilities, attention, and efforts in meeting others' emotional needs. The comedian, hairdresser, and funeral decorator, for example, get paid after their tasks, but we do not trade money in exchange for friendship. Human relationships must be freely provided and voluntarily exchanged in order to be ‘real' and meaningfu...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers | Quantitative |
Communication is defined as "an interaction process in which individuals or groups relate to one another and exchange information, experiences, and culture" (Okunna, 1999). Bridges and gulfs are built as a result of such interactions. It is also through such relationships that the globe may be transformed into a global community. Man has always discovered a means to interact with one another from time immemoria...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Background to the Study
A nation’s progress is largely judged by the extent of productivity it achieved within a defined period. Productivity is a function of useful economic engagement of citizens of a country. Poor economic engagement of a country’s citizens can be referred to as unemployment. Unemployment has been perceived as an economic cancer of a nation. This issue is caused by many factors of which lack of job opportunities is th...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |
12 | Student Researchers |
Traditional medicine is considered to be culturally acceptable, less harmful, and a more natural form of medicine that is suitable with the human body system (Espinal et al., 2020). It is estimated that 75–80 percent of the world's population uses traditional medicine as their primary source of healthcare, and this use is most prevalent in developing countries (Maartens, 2018). People who practise self-care and are actively involved in their own health care are i...
APA | 1-5 Chapters | 50 Pages |